vinal s.sen

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since Jul 20, 2012
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Recent posts by vinal s.sen

thanks Ulf!!!

I found solution.everytime i create a database,I give a new name then problem is solved.dunno i am running out of time for finishing my project,as quick fix,I am changing the database name.

11 years ago
There is a form with 2 pages in it.When i click on next,it should go to next page,starting a new activity.but when i click on the button,android application stops working.please tell me what is the error in the code.

Mainscreen code

(Globalstate class is for saving the values so it could be retrieved from newly created activity)

android manifest file
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<manifest xmlns:android=""
android:versionName="1.0" >

<uses-sdk android:minSdkVersion="15" />

android:label="@string/app_name" >
android:label="@string/app_name" >
<action android:name="android.intent.action.MAIN" />
<category android:name="android.intent.category.LAUNCHER" />



please help me...thanks in advance

11 years ago
Ulf,I tried doing the things you error shows up in my mobile.

Please explain more about database in mobile.I need to show my application completely in mobile(without rooting to pc) what is the class I should use..?

Is there any tutorial or book out there to help me completely deploy my application in mobile?

Please help confused.
11 years ago

this is the code i am using.

11 years ago
thanks Ulf for the reply.can you please tell me what class I should be using.

I am building a small project. I need to show application on my mobile.

you mean to say that I should be using some class to display the tableview of my database???

whether the phone is rooted or not, no rows are displayed.does it not mean the data is not stored on my mobile??

working fine in emulator.all rows are displayed using toast.

11 years ago
i created a small program for inserting data into the table.two textfields and a button present

it is running in the emulator.i could view the tables using sqlite data browser.

how do i view the same table in my mobile device?i am able to run my program in the device(with or without rooting to pc).in my mobile,record inserted successfully(output of the program) comes.but how do i check database.where it will be stored? do i have to install any data browsing application in my mobile device?

Please help i am new to this android.

11 years ago
thanks a lot,Ulf Dittmer....I have been struck with this 6 to 7 hours..was not able to solve it.

now it works

I went through net..could not find a solution.Is there any book that you will recommend?

once again,thanks
11 years ago
Sorry for me being vague. i try to input value to a textbox and based on that ,i want to get rows from the table..please help me..i am finding it difficult to use variable in a select statement...

cursor does not return any output produced on the do I use a variable???

(however if i supply the value directly,it is working and fine and comes up with data)

thanks in advance
11 years ago
hi all!!!

i am doing a project,for which I am trying to select only certain rows,using the condition where.

how to write sql statement and retrieve certain rows only.

output is not right...... what is the method I should be using to select only certain rows.

thanks in advance
11 years ago