Frederik Bolding

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since Jul 22, 2012
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Recent posts by Frederik Bolding


I am currently developing a little Tic Tac Toe game in Java (For Android)
And i am stuck, i want to "CheckForWinner();" but i can't really figure out how...

I am thinking something like: "foreach(Field in Fields)" and then check which has value of 1 and which has a value of 2 :-)

Full game sourcecode:

Pastebin: Clicky

Thanks in advance!

- Frederik
11 years ago
Thanks for the help!

12 years ago
Okay that fixes the error.
But it still shows the whole meminfo instead of only output string?
12 years ago

Ulf Dittmer wrote:You didn't say in which line this happens, so I'm guessing either line 42 or 43. What is the value of "n"? If it's -1 or equal to the length of "result" you're in trouble.

I dont really know, i got help on an irc and did this.
But it is still not working.
Im trying to get the first two lines of the memoryinfo thingy.
12 years ago
Hello there.

I am having a problem with my code..
It is force closing when i run it.
With the error: StringIndexOutOfBoundsException

My code:

- Frede1012
12 years ago