arun shankar

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since Jul 24, 2012
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Recent posts by arun shankar

Thank you so much :-)
12 years ago
Hi Tijs,

Thank you. I will try the same..

12 years ago
Thank you So much,

I just ran nested for loops for this scenario.

But, surely your replies were very helpful.

12 years ago
Hi Tijs,

Am Really excited to interact with you. I have been exploring Activiti for couple of weeks and I must say, User Guide has been very helpful..

I have a couple of Questions,

1) How do I integrate External forms into the User Task ? The information in User guide is really good, but, can you please give me an example if possible.

2) I have seen some links which tells that the Vaadin is a great combination for Web app and Activiti. Can you please elaborate more on this. I have to confess that I know Java but have never built any web app (before last week, tried Vaadin recently).

12 years ago
Hi All,

Can you please help me to achieve below scenario.

I have a table random_numbers, where I have inserted numbers between 1-10 and 80 - 90.

Now, how can I get numbers 11-79 and 91-100 i.e. the numbers which are not present in the table without joining with other tables.

Note: Above values is just an example, i.e. the query or for loop should not be hard coded.

Your help is very much required.

12 years ago
Thank you so much for your inputs. I implemented your suggestions related to Exception handling and I see my code handles exception well now.

The reason for the above error was my fault ( really very silly mistake !!! I think I did not observe correctly ). In the Stored Procedure the type "VARCHAR_LIST" was declared as table of number but am passing string array... Corrected the same i.e changed it to varray(100) of varchar2(32767), but now null (empty) value was getting inserted into the table. After some Google search, found similar issue was faced by many people. So, the Change proposed was to change varchar2 to nvarchar2 (strange really). Below is the link :

It works fine now.

As far as I know, the only difference is that nvarchar2 is used for non- unicode characters.

Please let me know if you know the reason for above

Hello Martin,

Thank you so much for your reply.

The VARCHAR_LIST declaration is as below :


The Stored Procedure is as below :

The complete output is as below :

Please suggest

The contents of input file is as below :

Hi Java experts,

Am beginning to learn Java recently. I am currently writing a program which will read a file line by line, split the line based on delimiter store in array and finally send multiple arrays to Oracle SP as input for inserts in to tables. The Java code is as below :

Am getting the Following Error at "ARRAY ora_current_state_array = new ARRAY (oracleVarchar2Collection, conn, card_current_state_array);" :

Can anyone please help.

Thanks & BR,