Rich wrote :
Again, I find your "loser" statement to be offensive. You do not know me. You do not know how much education I have. You know nothing about me except you have trouble matching wits with me.
If you really got your MSCS "from a USA top 30 CS graduate school," they should be ashamed. It must be an easy program to complete. If your "minor field is applied mathematics," you must be joking. You could not even count.
I went to highly rated universities for both my BS and MSCS. By the way, my GPA was 3.9 at both universities. Obviously, they both produce more polished individuals than the school you attended.
I think your university should be shamed to produce sore losers (In the beginning I was hesitating to use this word, but your consistent clown behavior made me feel it is very proper to use it for you...) who can only whine, cry, "intelligently" argue that other people can't count because they had a typo in the number. I am impressed by what kind of intelligence you have. Why do you think there a "wit match with you" ? Come on, I said "loser" because I saw your negative attitude, I have no intension to make any education or other background comparison with you. Your background means nothing to me I totally don't want to know, let alone compare with you. I can accomplish all this kind things by using a second language in a second country. How about you ? You were born and raised in this country, and eventually you can just beat some others on English grammar and catching their number counting error ? Like 1-2-3, if they count as 1-2-2 accidently, you say they can't count. Wa, you are the man. Real smart American man !
you say you are polished ? Wa, Wa, polished to wine, maybe ? Degree doesn't represent everything, GPA doesn't stand for your intelligence. We all have high GPA. What really means something is attitude. US Air Force has a saying "Attitude determines altitude". With your attitude in life, you will never to able to really succeed (maybe you view your little accomplishment as 'success').