Mauro Trevigno

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since Aug 27, 2012
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Recent posts by Mauro Trevigno

Campbell Ritchie wrote:

Mauro Trevigno wrote:I will recommend to do validation with Javascript. . . .

Why? There is nothing to suggest that OP is using any JS.

You're right, could be from console.

8 years ago
I will recommend to do validation with Javascript.

And from Java validate and throw a exception when the user submit something that you dont want to receive or any other kind of error could happen.

8 years ago
As Paul said, you should use HTML to structure you JSP and CSS to give them format.
8 years ago
SessionAware and json-default are different things.

json-default helps you to display json data.

sessionAware is an interface, you can implement sessionAware, requestAware, applicationAware.

for more info:
Session Struts

9 years ago
And whats your question?
9 years ago
You can use HTML 5.

<input type="date" name="bday" max="1979-12-31">

Or some external API like Jquery datepicker.
9 years ago
Hi Gerald,

You can show in your input in one way and when you submit your form, you get the parameter and can change the format the way you need to send you db.

9 years ago
Sorry sometimes used the term for Virtual Machine,.. what you meant by the app getting down?, I see several links over the screenshot you take, I think is more a path issue, than tomcat issue.

Over your browser press F12 and see if you can find your css files clicking over the link from your page, if not start removing or adding until you find the css, could be happening with other parts from your HTML.

If the app were down from tomcat you will not see anything related with this app.

9 years ago
You have more WARs running over this new tomcat?

When the app goes down , you see something over the localhost:8080?

You should try making a new VDI with this tomcat version and run your WAR to see if exist the same error.

9 years ago
Why you dont set NONE directly into transport-guarantee?
9 years ago
You getting the title from request?

Some time ago I had an issue over the URL setting the amp, I used web encoding:

I did the following:

Hope this helps,
9 years ago
Are you trying to load something with JSTL or some library that maybe is trying to use session by default, what happend if you blank your jsp and add session=false ? Still getting the error?

9 years ago
Literal - is a value assigned to a variable.

Java by default already have some constants:
Constants Java 7

9 years ago
Why don't use a library or something for ajax, also if you want the pagination for some kind of grid there are some free libraries that do all the hard work for you, like displaytag.

9 years ago