Encarna Munoz

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since Aug 31, 2012
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I am working with ireport 4.7.1. It is report with a lot information (402 parameters).(Not fields, but parameters)
I’m using a page header’s band 1284 and a summary’s a band 1409. The page format is8,264 x 20,125.
The report, don´t print properly. The detail band, works OK, but the summary part is a mess.
The summary band’s code is

And the detail code is

When I use other detail band (detail2) print a mess
The code is

I have tried to change the page format. By default is 8,264 x 20,125 inches, When I change to A4. The size is the same and don’t get better size. The default page is very narrow.
Would be reasonable two reports instead one? Can I change the size of the bands and have room for all my items?.
I put the code of the band definitions.

Thanking you in advance for your help..

12 years ago

I am very sorry! The error on my first post was not the initial error.The initial error is this:

We have a lot of reports working fine. The only one that fails is the only one with subreports. when I compile the report (including subreports) with iReport, it compile ok, so I think is not a compilation problem. Our app generetes .japer files during runtime. This report worked fine before, but now... The path we use as a parameter to specify the place to generate the report and subreports, I mean .jasper files, is a relative path: ../../iReport. I tried absolute paths like, but when I try this path:

get this error:

'm working on thisa problem since weeks ago.. I need help, everything you can tell me would be great. Thank you very much!!

12 years ago
My name is Encarna (from Spain). I’m working on j2ee application with eclipse, java 6, mysql 5.5 and tomcat 5.5.
When load the original war file, eclipse is mandatory set dynamicweb module from 3 to 2.4. This is for tomcat 5.5 with tomcat 6 is possible.
Should I have change son items in eclipse for work dynamic web module 3 with tomcat 5.5?

Thanking you in advance….Of course you can ask me the questions you need
12 years ago
My name is Encarna and I’m from Spain. This is my first time in this forum and I have a problem and I can’t fix it.
We are working on a J2EE application, with eclipse 2, java 6, web dynamic module 2.4, Tomcat 5.5 and mysql 5.5. We arre using jasper reports, designed with iReport. All of them work properly but one. The extrange thing is that this report worked ok before, and we didn’t change anything in the code… (conf problem?). when we execute the report, the error is this:

And the console say this:

The action (.java method) that execute the report is this:

The error comes when .fillreport is called.

Report’s XML code is:

We have followed bloqueinforme1 values during the .java code. bloqueinforme1 is a list eith lists inside with the info for the report, and we have seen that the values are correct. The error seems to be in the subreport that the main report uses. I’ve been focused on a field (example Item) that is part of bloqueinforme1 . We can print and get Item value correctly but when we execute the report only using Item, the report says that it can’t find Item.
We don’t know the error cause; maybe is the list of lists (it can’t find the sublists); or a configuration problem (we had to change dynamic module from 3.0 to 2.4). Please, I am deperate!! Can you help me? Thank you very much!!


12 years ago