Krithika Beri

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since Sep 11, 2012
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Recent posts by Krithika Beri

I need to identify any colour present on the ph screen. In order to do this I am opening the ph's camera on start up and then want to identify the colour present on the middle of the screen marked by cross hairs. To do this I need to divide the "SurfaceView" to pixels. Please help me with this.
11 years ago
I tried that. It did not help
12 years ago
I am using Netbeans for my current project. I require to update a jtable based on what the user selects from a JTree consisting of all the files in his computer. The problem is that this JTable is not getting updated.
I am creating a new model and adding it each time. When I say getValueAt(x,Y) from the new value, it is giving me proper updation but this is not visible in UI. Please help

12 years ago
My requirement is that there is a process which is taking place which takes quite some time. The process starts when a button is clicked. So when the button is clicked, I want to add a Label before the actual process starts to show that the process is in progress. But what i found is that, after the button action is completed only then the JFrame is updated with the label. Please help
12 years ago
I am trying to push installation apk's into an android device from cmd through java. I want to know how to set path to the adb from java to do the same. Can the adb be packaged along with the java project?
12 years ago
I am trying to install apk's into any android device. The whole software is supposed to run in any system. I do not want to install the entire sdk everytime but only the adb. All this I plan to run from java. Now my problem is I am unable to set the class path for this adb. Does it require the whole sdk to be installed?
12 years ago
Sorry if there is existing db then res=0 if it is not there then it is 1
if i use the existing database it is saying that file is encrypted or it is not a database
I want to open the existing database file and write the data into it . I am using the sqlite database.
Here is the snippet:

i am asking if you want to write the data into existing db, if there is existing db then res=1 and if it is not there res=0
I have a JTree and a button in the UI called up. When i select a node and say up, it is supposed to move that node up. The problem is that the first time it works fine but the second time that node disappears completely from the tree.
12 years ago
Thank you so much, I got it..
12 years ago
How do i get the values of row, col and value?

12 years ago
I have tried what you have told me but it still does not seem to work
12 years ago
I am not still able to get my head around the problem. i already added the tableChanged method and told the model to listen to it. Then why isn't it listening?
12 years ago
This is my DetailsTableModel. Could you tell me where to add the fire.... command as I have tried adding it and it is not working properly.

12 years ago
My tables are not responding when there is any change. Please help

12 years ago