ashish chakkara

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since Sep 13, 2012
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Recent posts by ashish chakkara


I'm looking for a J2EE MVC framework(like spring,struts etc) that fits nicely with Twitter Bootstrap.Based on your experience what would you recommend?

Thanks & Regards

Thanks,but I need to reuse the maximum code.

Hi Everyone,

I would like change my old Architecture of my application into New MVC model with latest framework.
For UI part i am going to use a responsive framework with HTML 5.Can any One suggest which J2EE frame work is good for it

NB:My application is a Learning management system in j2ee with concurrency of 100 users.

Thanks for any response
Hi Jeff,

Thank you,

Actually my back is a .sql file which was taken by mysqldump command(mysqldump -u username -pPASSWORD pPASSWORD >/mnt/abc_23oct2012.sql)
This was done 1 week ago.Today i accidently run the command mysql -u username -pPASSWORD pPASSWORD < /mnt/abc_23oct2012.sql
So what happend is that i lost i week data from my db.So what should i do to recover the lost data? please help me...


I accidently updated my Mysql db with previous backup(which is 1 week old) just now.So i can't find the data entered yesterday.
Is there any way to get the db upto yesterday?

Please help me

This issue can be resolved by replacing the class file of the corresponding j s p page at the corresponding location.


By clearing the wstemp and temp folder of WebSphere and on restarting the server(means rebuilding ). it will be solved.
HI Experts,

I have a j2ee application running in WebSphere.Now i got an error in one of the pages(say attemptQuiz.jsp)
There is java installed in the server(in E drive). And i can see there is another java inside WebSphere(C:\Program Files\IBM\WebSphere\AppServer\java).The JAVA_Home environment variable is set to the java residing inside the E drive but the JAVA_HOME in WebSphere is set to ${WAS_INSTALL_ROOT}/java

My assumption is that the E drive java has got upgraded and it is used to compile the files and the lower version java inside the WebSphere is used to run the application.

Can you please help me in sorting out this issue

I am attaching the screen shot of my error with this post

Thanks in Advance
HI All,

I have an e learning application in jsp (MVC architecture). Running in tomcat. Now i am planning to change the entire thing into frame work.
Which frame work like spring,struts hibernate,grails is suitable for me?
Please help me.

Thanks in Advance
HI all,

Can anybody help me in explainig the reason for the error while compiling the following java code.

Thanks & Regards

11 years ago