simbarashe makura

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since Sep 23, 2012
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Recent posts by simbarashe makura

hi to all

I recently start going through some tutorials on ejb along jpa. I now would really like to include them in my current project which is still and its infant stage(design actually). I didn't know how to google this so here goes my story.Can someone please assist me in using a good design to integrate my java web application (MVC using servlets and jsp) with ejb. I want the these ejb to run the business logic. I would be really grateful if one would point me to a good resource or tutorial on which best design which i should use.

Thanks in advance

I would like to share my experiences as to how i passed the scjp 6. Firstly i would like to thank all who posted their experiences on how they passed the exam, I am forever grateful because all your stories inspired and motivated me into taking the exam. I had no experience what so ever in java except that i had fundamental knowledge in VB.NET. I attended the java certifications classes at college in my town (in Zimbabwe) last year in March. I was lowest in my class, well simply because i wasn't studying and coding. During that time i was working as an I.T technician at a satellite tracking company (of which i didn't enjoy my job because i was not doing any coding). Then I made a dumb move last year in October I quite my job. For 2 months straight i had to minimize my social activities. I went through the SCJP Sun Certified Programmer for Java 6 Exam book 2 times (thoroughly) leaving no stone unturned. Of which if you would ask me i would say its an excellent book. Two weeks before the exam i went through the 2 minute drills (provided at the end of each chapter) along with summaries version of the study guide that here is on site ( which Katherine Sierra and Bert Bates so kindly provided us. I would go through these notes and 2 minute drills at least 3 times a day for 2 weeks before the exam date. Then come the day of the exam, in December, i scored 95%. The good part of this is that i am employed as a junior programmer. The sad part is, the post is C# programmer, but I am still able to implement the stuff that i learn t from the java certification because C# and Java are almost the same to me. I hope this story would inspire and motivate others as other stories posted here did for me too.
11 years ago
I've recently passed the scjp 6 exam with 96% and unfortunately i haven't been lucky with my job hunting i only hold my java certification and a diploma in I.T. I am thinking that should i do a degree or go for the scwcd exam all the way up to the architect certification?I've discovered that certifications help me learn java programming considering that i have 1 year experience in java programming. What should I do to help me get a job, go for java certifications all the way up to architect or do a degree? (considering that i am 25 years old) thanks in advance
11 years ago
Hi guys
I feel a bit silly posting this question. I am failing to run servlets using apache tomcat 7.0.22. I dont want to use any IDEs. I can do that using IDEs. I would be very grateful if anyone would provide me with a simple hello world tutorial using servlets while my web server is apache tomcat 7.0.22 and my jdk is 1.7 thanks in advance
will that increase my chances of getting a job?
And will it be a good idea if i go for the scwcd certification, will i get a job with that certification?
12 years ago
Hi guys
I've recently passed the scjp exam with 95% with no experience in java but with fundemental knowledge in my question is that will a scjp boost my chances of getting a job as a junior java programmer considering that i've no degree but only a higher national diploma will a scjp boost my chances?
12 years ago
hi would you please tell what material you are using to prepare for that exam because i want to take the same exam
hi guys i've recently passed my ocpjp 6 exam with 95% and i would like to the Oracle Certified Expert, Java EE 6 Web
Component Developer exam and later the Oracle Certified Expert, Java EE 6 Web Services Developer I would happy if you guys were to give some advice on how to prepare for those exam and relavent books and perhaps some tips too thanks in advance
thanks wilk that book do since i want is java 6?
Guys, recently this year in March i decided to take th e scjp 6 exam and got the study guide K&B scjp 6 book(Great book two thumbs up). And through a lot of coding and i mean a lot of coding and reading. I took the exam last week and came out with a 95% considering the fact i had minimum experience of java programming.Now I have two problems:
1. I want to become an Oracle Certified Master, Java SE 6 Developer the path that i want to choose the web services and web component developer and i would also want to do the java persistance developer. So could you please recomend the books that are needed in order for me to become an Oracle Certified Master.
I would be really grateful for your assistance.

2. The second problem is that upon studying for the scjp 6 i quit my job(I know dumb move) now i really i want to persue a carreer in java programming and here in my country (Zimbabwe) people don't appreciate programming and I.T and I want to persue a career in programming please do advise me on how i could seek a job outside the country i do have an Advanced Diploma in I.T and my ocpjp 6 certification i would be glad if i was to get a job as junior or trainee programmer. Please do help me out.

Thanks in advance
thanks its just that i have sacrificed a lot for this exam thanks a lot for your assistance
hi guys are you allowed to skip questions and then review them later in the actual ocpjp 6 exam
thanks in advance