Rajendar Goud

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since Mar 06, 2002
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Recent posts by Rajendar Goud

You can use the sql query as follows..

WHERE IN_TIME <= '22-MAR-10';

this shall fetch all the values less than the mentioned date
Any response on this topic....
15 years ago

How can i define a Critical Path Method APPLET in java. IS there any free charting tool that helps support create such APPLET?

I have got few WBS (Work Breakdwon Structure) data. using that data, i shall be able to derive a Critial Path for my scheduling project.

Do i need to depend on 3rd party charting tools or any readily available APPLET source code possible ???

Thanks in advance

15 years ago
Thank you for the response. I have a doubt..

iText is used for handling editable PDF.
Does iText work similar to FOP?? i,e we need to pass the xml template along with the xsl style sheet which will be transformed or rendered into PDF generation using the iText library??
Hi ,
I am running a web application on linux and need some conversion tools or mechanism for converting a word document to pdf format.

I had a look at apache fop,itext but these need the input inform of xml,meaning i had to manually input all the word document data into xml and then had to process the xml for pdf generation.
Is there a direct way to convert the word document into PDF for web application?

Its bit urgent.. thank you
17 years ago
Hi ,
I am running a web application on linux and need some conversion tools or mechanism for converting a word document to pdf format.

I had a look at apache fop,itext but these need the input inform of xml,meaning i had to manually input all the word document data into xml and then had to process the xml for pdf generation.
Is there a direct way to convert the word document into PDF for web application?

Its bit urgent.. thank you
Thank zou ben,
but is there a way i can find out from the browser itself? i dnt have access to the code.

for installing live http headers,its just that i need to extract into plugins folder in mozilla ?
17 years ago
Yes,they are accessed via the hyperlink in the application browser.
17 years ago
Am facing a problem in opening PDF files when migrated from Tomcat 4.1 to 5.5. In 4.1, i was able to open different PDF files in different browsers and each was having a different name. Now in Tomcat5.5, when ever i open multiple PDF files, the PDF files are opening in sinlge browser itself and when saving ,they are getting saved with a constant name.

Could any one let me know if they had come across any such problem and if so pls provide some response.

[ June 21, 2007: Message edited by: Bear Bibeault ]
17 years ago
WE are trying to invoke an application from ORACLE 9i using RMI we get an exception as

ERROR: java.security.AccessControlException: the Permission

(java.net.SocketPermission connect,resolve) has not been

granted to WEBX

The port 38766 is not being used by our application nor the RMI.RMI is using the port 1099. once permission is granted to this 38766 port,the application is working fine.
The same application,again if invoked some time later,it again comes up with a different Port and again throws the exception.

Could any one please help me out with this? why is that the oracle is randomly coming up with ports?? IS it some firewall problem? or is it that
oracle is creating random ports by itself as a security measure? if so how to overcome this port problem.

Its really urgent.thank you for your time.

18 years ago
WE are trying to invoke an application from ORACLE 9i using RMI we get an exception as

ERROR: java.security.AccessControlException: the Permission

(java.net.SocketPermission connect,resolve) has not been

granted to WEBX

The port 38766 is not being used by our application nor the RMI.RMI is using the port 1099. once permission is granted to this 38766 port,the application is working fine.
The same application,again if invoked some time later,it again comes up with a different Port and again throws the exception.

Could any one please help me out with this? why is that the oracle is randomly coming up with ports?? IS it some firewall problem? or is it that
oracle is creating random ports by itself as a security measure? if so how to overcome this port problem.

Its really urgent.thank you for your time.

18 years ago
Am running an xml application and the xml parses it and builds new xmls based on some xsl.
when i am doing this,its throwing transformationException as follows

javax.xml.transform.TransformerException: The prefix "DbGML" for element "DbGML:DBGMMessage" is not bound.

Where DBGML are defined for the application.

Any idea why such 'not bound' exception is thrown?browsed some stuff on net but no success.

any help is appreciated.

For fetching the top 10 values you can use the same normal sql query and simply append the following at the end of your query


ie select column_name from table FETCH FIRST 10 ROWS ONLY

As you are aware, the tags you mentioned are all struts tags.
The tag <logic:present ..> is similar to the normal 'if' loop of java.

if property named lastname exists then enter the loop and do the rest.

similarly <logic:equal ...> ,meaning if the value of the property named 'age' is equal to value 'a' then do this or else do the rest.

and the struts tag <bean:write..> is used to display the output of the
form property value on the screen.

For more clear understanding ,better you go thru the struts HTML,LOGIC,BEAN tags and its libraries.

18 years ago
I found out the solution.as expected it was to do with the UTF encoding.
modified it and now can view the jsps.

Thank you