P Taylor

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since Sep 28, 2012
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Having failed to upgrade form Jforum 2.1.6 to 2.1.9 I would like to try small steps, and just upgrade to 2.1.7 but I cannot find a distribution of this.
12 years ago
I have just upgraded to Jforum 2.1.9 , I can login but although it says 'Our users have posted a total of 11,205' messages , no messages, topics or forums are listed. I'm using Tomcat 7.0.30 and MySql 5.0.77, I did the upgrade as follows:

Ran mysqldump on my database
Created a new database and populated with output of mysqldump
Modified my existing 2.1.6 installation to use new database and checked that it still worked
Unzipped jforum-2.1.9.zip to local directory
Changed 2.1.6 installation to loook back at its original database
Ran mysql_2.1.6_to_2.1.7.sql against the new database
Ran mysql_2.1.7_to_2.1.8.sql against the new database
(Couldnt see an upgrade script for 2.1.8 to 2.1.9)
Created META-INF/context.xml (which defines a data source for new database, not sur eif required)
Copied WEB-INF/config/jforum-custom.conf from my 2.1.6 installation into WEB-INF/config in jforum2.1.9 directory in same place and modifed to point to new database
Modified forum.link and homepage link to point to new deploy path
Deployed this modified version

So I now have deployed:

http://machinename/forum (2.1.6 pointing to old database)
http://machinename/forum2.1.9 (2.1.9 pointing to new database)

As I said earlier I can get to http://machinename/forum2.1.9 and login but no topics/messages ectera are listed. Similarly if I go into Admin Control Panel Users and Groups looks okay but Forums is empty

If I go to the database itself and look at jforum_topics and jforum_forums the data is there.

I then noticed the lucene section in Admin and that the Number of documents was zero. So I configured a date range and created a new index, the Number of Documents field increased. If I then go back to the forum and do a search the search says it has found some documents but still does not show any of the results.
12 years ago