paul nisset wrote:After going though getting the Second State example working and reading the article "" ,there is nothing that impresses about this.
It's basically a node app that makes calls to server that runs compiled functions. The article says the "Rust is beloved by developers" . I would counter the number of developers that it is beloved by is very few .
Maybe if you spend a couple months learning it ,you are forced to feel you love it but there was nothing in the Rust documentation that made me think "Cool ! I need to know this".
I really don't see what the hype is . There is nothing there, especially if someone has worked with C or C++ before.
Tim Holloway wrote:This smells like the old "Java is slow because it's interpreted" argument that became essentially meaningless many years ago. Probably over a decade past I ran across a benchmark where a JVM with JIT compiler actually out-performed C with the exception of the floating-point benchmarks.
Java is, of course, horrible slow for small apps like "Hello, world!". You have significant overhead in both time and memory to launch a JVM - although Oracle/BEA and IBM have both experifmented with less transistory Java environments. The JIT compiler will take its cut as well.
But the one thing that a truly high-performance JVM can do that no language that compiles to static code can is to dynamically re-compile code based on observed performance, thus ensuring a more optimal execution given the data and environment at hand.
For example, just about all traditional computers had a conditional branch statement that had two different execution times, generally shorter if the branch wasn't taken and longer if the branch was taken. A static compiler would generate code with that branch in a fixed context and that's where it would live forevermore. A smart JIT VM could monitor that code, note that the branch was being taken more often than not and recompile the bytecodes to ensure that branching was the exception rather than the rule. That's a micro-level optimization, but you can build up from there. And of course, with today's pipelined processors and virtual memory, there are more variables, since you want to reduce paging and "bubbles" in the pipes.
Languages like Rust and Go have their places. Some things really need a better environment than what C/C++ provides but are not suitable for execution in any sort of VM. That doesn't make them "killers", though. Just special tools for critical needs.
Stephan van Hulst wrote:Interesting. I might take some time out to try and create an application on SSVM.
I just want to point out to you that the general public seems to be unauthorized to view your Google Form.