Stephane Weber

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since Mar 07, 2002
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Recent posts by Stephane Weber


A new version is indeed foreseen, around may 2009.

Here is the link : - Mark Cade 2nd Version


A new version is indeed foreseen, around may 2009.

Here is the link : - Mark Cade 2nd Version

[ November 11, 2008: Message edited by: Stephane Weber ]
Hi Leonardo,

Here it is : SCEA 5 Study Guide

Hi. I already looked in it, but its contents seem strange to me.
Here it is :

Manifest-Version: 1.0
Ant-Version: Apache Ant 1.5.4
Created-By: 1.4.2-b28 (Sun Microsystems Inc.)
Extension-Name: Struts Framework
Specification-Title: Struts Framework
Specification-Vendor: Apache Software Foundation
Specification-Version: 1.1
Implementation-Title: Struts Framework
Implementation-Vendor: Apache Software Foundation
Implementation-Vendor-Id: org.apache
Implementation-Version: 1.1
Class-Path: commons-beanutils.jar commons-collections.jar commons-dig
ester.jar commons-logging.jar commons-validator.jar jakarta-oro.jar

However, I am certain that it is a version 1.2.0 at least, due to the presence of some classes which didn't exist in version 1.1.

What I also did is download all versions 1.2.0 --> 1.2.6 from Struts and compare the size of the jar. But those are always bigger ...

I think the developer of equinox probably has used a custom version ... but of which one ?


[ April 05, 2005: Message edited by: St�phane Weber ]
19 years ago
How is it possible to determine the version of a struts.jar ?

I am using equinox 1.0. Therein, there is a struts.jar file which is 511438 bytes. It is written in the versions.txt file that it is version 1.1, butit is obviously a 1.2.

Does anyone know which version it is really ?


19 years ago
Hi all,

I have a java object which is in session. It is a list (userList).
I also get an id value in my URL.
I would like to use this id as the position in the list from which to retrieve an element.

Not-working code:

<bean arameter id="idxUser" name="id" />
<bean efine id="test" name="sessionController" property="userList[$(idxUser)]"/>

Working code (where I hardcode a test value):

<bean arameter id="idxUser" name="id" />
<bean efine id="test" name="sessionController" property="userList[0]"/>

Does anyone know how to solve this ?



P.S. I am using Struts 1.1, if this is any help ...
19 years ago

Do you guys know whether this reference book still is of some use, now that the struts version available for download is 1.2.4 ?

Are there any good books that would already cover 1.2 ?


20 years ago
Well I really don't know where I lost those 10 points exactly. As 30 points are dedicated to the locking mechanism on the server part, I assume at least some of them were lost on it.
I know that for instance I had a problem in my lock method which could lead to a dedalock if someone tried to get a lock of the whole database (through the -1 parameter) while the database was still processing the same request from the same user. But that seems so avoidable that I don't know if I lost points there ...
My search algorithm was, I think ok, the same goes for my error handling. So I really think locking made me lose those points. But I don't know more
22 years ago
Hi Piyush,
For DesignPatterns do you already have the GoF book ? GoF Book
This is always a good reference book to have in your bookshelf
Also, what I used personnally (although I also have the GoF book), was this excellent book from Steven Metsker, that sort of 'translates' the GoF book for Java developers (or soon to be) like us.
Design Patterns Java Workbook
My advice if you can afford both, is to read entirely the one from Metsker for your assignment. He explains very well the different patterns from the GoF, together with JAVA examples.
Hope this helps
Hi Venita.
Here is what I did for the documentation part. First of all I had the user guides (server and client) online, using a JEditorPane. They contained hyperlinks and screenshots to make them more 'user-friendly'.
I had in my README.txt listed each source file (with a note saying to look at the Javadoc for details on their use). Class files, javadoc files, were not listed. I just specified in what directory they were.
Finally I had a DesignChoices.txt document which was plain text.
I also must say I 'Javadoc'-ed everything, including private attributes and methods, and that I updated the Javadoc in the classes provided with the assignment.
Hope this helps
22 years ago
Of course Matt ... Here come some lines on my design.
I created a DataInterface defining all methods that are originally in Data.class. Data implements it. So does RemoteDataInterface, which also extends Remote. RemoteData implements RemoteDataInterface and basically jsut forwards requests to a nested Data object. But it also adds implementation for the locking mechanism.
The locking is managed through a LockManager class. This class has a HashMap which contains the couples (record number, owner) for each locked record. The owner is represented by the RemoteData object itself, as each client receives one. RemoteData implements Unreferenced for releasing connections of lost clients.
The server, FBNServer is the object accessible via RMI. FBNServer is a singleton. It is linked to one database and one LockManager class. Its main method is the getConnection method which returns a Stub to a RemoteData object (connection to the database).
From the client point of view, a ConnectionFactory class is called to obtain a connection to a database. If the connection is to be obtained remotely, it will contact the FBNServer. Otherwise, it will return a Data instance.
For the GUI, I let the user search on origin, destination, day and carrier. Each one is a combo box, prefilled with contents of the original database (sorted alphabetically).
Don't hesitate to ask questions on what is not sufficiently clear, it is not easy to think about everything in just a few lines
P.S. Indeed Jaun
[ December 16, 2002: Message edited by: St�phane Weber ]
22 years ago
I just received my results now :

Test: Sun Certified Developer for the Java 2 Platform (310-027)
Date Taken: 2002-12-16 03:48:48.670
Registration Number: i67dus0085
Site: blh
Grade: P
Score: 142
Comment: This report shows the total points that could have been awarded in each section, and the actual number of points you were awarded. This is provided to give you per-section feedback on your strengths. The maximum possible score is 155; the minimum to pass is 124. General Considerations (maximum = 58): 58 Documentation (maximum = 20): 20 GUI (maximum = 24): 21 Server (maximum = 53): 43

And it was, as many others said it before me, thanks to all of you. I always found here the answers to the (sometimes very stupid ) questions I asked.
Continue the great job ... and see you soon on SCEA Forum
22 years ago
I would not do it. It does not hurt to let them there, and you have to remember the requirement a bout always having future enhancements in mind.
Anyway, if you still want to remove them, it is your choice but then do not forget to justify this choice in your design document.
(But again, I would not remove them )
Very impressive ! Congratulations.
If I miss some points when I receive my results, will you lend me some ?
22 years ago
Yes Charles you are right.
I also understood from previous posts that these methods were to be used in a previous version of the assignment. But don't worry you don't have ti use them.
Hope this helps