Indrayani Godbole

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since Oct 09, 2012
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I am running activiti from liferay.
I am trying to set candidate group for user task dynamically for which I have tried below solutions which are not working.
This is for liferay 6.2 CE GA6 and activiti version 5.18.0
Please let me know if I have missed anything or If you have a better solution.

Solution 1 :
Its regarding settting candidate group for a user task using proccess variable.
below is the bpmn code :

here , assignee is the process variable which is already set.

While executing the workflow, I am getting following exception :

Solution 2 :

I also tried below xml code but I am still getting the same exception :
Here, I have the multiInstanceLoopCharacteristics.

Solution 3:

I also tried to set the candidate group dynmically using DynamicBpmnService, Please check the code below :
For this approach, I used activiti version 5.19.0
I replaced the activiti engine jar from liferay > tomcat> webapp > activiti-web > web-inf >lib

I am getting following exception while executing this code :

I am really stuck at this point and not able to proceed.
So your quick help would be appreciated.

Thank you
8 years ago
Hello All,

I have a query regarding liferay, Please check below details.

1. I am using liferay CE 6.2 ga 6 version.
2. I have created a workflow using activity.
3. I have also created a new folder in Documents and Media, and, have assigned a document type which is a custom document type.
4. I have assigned the newly created workflow to this custom document type inside the newly created folder.
5. Workflow design is like - once document is added and published , it comes to reviewer who first assigns it to himself and after that, he can accept or reject it.
6. Everything is working fine till the stage where document comes to reviewer.

Now , query is :
There is no download button for document, using which, reviewer can view contents of attached document.
There is a view link, popping in front of document name, but when we click on view link, it redirects us to new screen where it does not provide any link or button to download the document.

Am I missing any permission setting here?
I have assigned all the view rights to the reviewer.
Liferay does not provide download button in such scenario?

Looking forward for your response.

Best Regards,

8 years ago
Hi ,
I am learning Angular js and I am getting following error.

Error: [ng:areq] Argument 'Test123' is not a function, got undefined

Can somebody help me out with the same.
I am not able to resolve the problem and so not able to proceed.

following is the code from index.html

and following is the code from scriptCtrl.js

I have got no idea where I am going wrong, because the code looks pretty straightforward.

Hi All,
I am using apache poi to read XLS file.

currently i am reading cell value as follows :

so for example, if the row number is 6, i will get value of cell B6.

Now, my requirement is , I need to read the cell by using column name and not by column header.
For example, if the column name of column header B is Employee Name, i want to access value of cell, at row 6 and under column Employee Name.

So in future, if the column header P is having name Employee Name instead of column B , my program will not get affected.

Is it possible, using apache poi, to access value using column Name and not by column header??

Anybody having any knowledge about it?
Please share the same.
Hi All,

I am facing one issue while reading xls file using apache poi.

when a column contains a hyperlink something like this :


the code fails at a very first line which is :

If i change the hyperlink to some valid value such as -> mailto:ABCD
the reading does not fail, which is a valid scenario.

the strange part is, if I again change the hyperlink to the previous value which is mailto:ABCD%23@%23@%23$%23, I expect it to fail but it doesn't.

I have 2 queries :
1. why the first value is failing, why it is being treated as an invalid value?? why it is failing at first line itself,that is, at loading of the file??
2. why it did not fail third time when it was updated back to the original value??

It would be really helpful if anybody could clarify the same.

Hi Ulf,
Thank you for the link, but what exactly should i check in the posted url.
I mean , i checked one of the zip files that are available on the url that you have posted, opened pdf file contained in the zip, but did not understand much like my question : how to identify whether the cell contains a date value or not : is still open
I am using apache poi
my question is related to reading of XLSx
my xlsx file contains data in formatted way such as, few cell contain data with bullet points, few cells contain data in bold format etc.
what i want to do is, i want to read the well formatted data from the file and save it to database as it is.

just like we read data from rich text box and save it to database,but , in this case , if any word is in bold, then corresponding tags get added to a value in text box, while saving the same to database
ok, i checked the xml also, but it is not showing any datatype for date type values.
only for string values, it is showing attribute as

so,now, i am having the large file xls reader code, but not able to get cell value which is of type Date or number
thank you for the details
even i tried the processallsheets and it worked well by putting try catch at the suggested lines.

now , my next query is, this works fine for string values but what if the value is of type date.
how can i handle the date value.
when i check values for type as a mentioned below , i got it only for string type, which is s , for other column types such as date , number , i am getting NULL

here, i am getting s for celltype of type string and for other types, NULL

posting the sample class with import statements :

No i did not see any sysouts.
actually , one question that i have is, do i need to call the startelement and endelement methods explicitly??
posting the class that i am using as a test class.
Please let me know if i am missing anything here

I understood following method :

but what i did not understand is, how should i now read the data cell wise?