Mphatheleni Ernest Matidze

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since Oct 10, 2012
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Recent posts by Mphatheleni Ernest Matidze

Great score man, So for how long did you prepare it? and whats next
8 years ago
Good score man, Is there any other free mock exams you know out there, the problem is i dont have a credit card which makes it impossible for me to purchase Enthuware Package?...
9 years ago
I Have ocjp, and working towards OCE WCD. I find this certs more of a personal achievements and core knowledge builder than a paper for job hunting. Job Experience and this certificates can boost you up the career ladder and expand your confidence for a certain technology.
The best practice is to make it null. but it compiles fine even if you don't make it null, the only time it will give you problems is when you try to use it. It will throw NullPointerException.
10 years ago
Parth A. Mehta, the best way to declare variables is to declare and initialize them with default values.
10 years ago
Hi Jesper de Jong, you only get an error if the variable is a local variable. You can't use an uninitialized local variable. On the above class, those objects are not local so compiler won't complain. All those declaration are initialized automatically by the default constructor to their default value wich is null.
10 years ago
There is no difference in your declarations, default value for objects is null. Note that string is also an object not a primitive .
10 years ago
Every opening Brace "{" must be closed by "}" some we're when the code block ends.
10 years ago
I passed Ocjp 6 on June 18 and I am preparing for OCE JEE 6 WCD exam, most of the people who passed the exam with great scores are saying they nailed it in 3 month some 2 and half month.
Preparation time is determined by how serious you are with your studies and how much effort you put to it everyday.
Hi yojana kamabathula,
The score you got doesn't mean anything, as long as you cleared the exam you are the same as any other professionals who exceeded 73%. My advice to you is don't stop here, take one of Java Enterprise edition 6 expert exams. Oracle certified expert, web component developer for an example.
Congratulations well done, How long did you prepare for it?
10 years ago
Hi Alex Katko, I have been waiting for someone like you to come forward. I am interested in your idea.
10 years ago