Mike Simmons wrote:This is probably unnecessary though. Why do you feel you need a count? Are you aware of the ordinal() instance method and values() class method that any enum class will have? You should be able to get what you want from either ordinal() or values().length.
Rob Spoor wrote:All enum constants are created immediately when the class is loaded. So when you call w.RAINY (which should be Weather.RAINY), the Weather class is loaded and both RAINY and Sunny are created. Only then will w.RAINY.count and w.Sunny.count be evaluated.
Ed Dablin wrote:Fred, I think you are right. I think it is easier to learn using javac.exe and java.exe with, say, Notepass++ or Textwrangler, in the Command/Terminal window environment. Others may think otherwise....
Paul Clapham wrote: It took me most of the day to find that hard-coded entry (which of course I had forgotten about) and remove it.
Andy Jack wrote:Can you also give me the source of this information - like maybe a book or a well known website ?
Every processor or processor family has its own machine code instruction set. Instructions are patterns of bits that by physical design correspond to different commands to the machine. The instruction set is thus specific to a class of processors using (much) the same architecture. Successor or derivative processor designs often include all the instructions of a predecessor and may add additional instructions.
Yahya Elyasse wrote:i tried the c# regex without change but it doesn't work. i mean i tried this one :
Yahya Elyasse wrote:it should match expressions of the form :
Yahya Elyasse wrote:hello,
what is the java equivalent of the C# regex :
Tim Holloway wrote:I'd just slap a "System.out.println" in the move() method to print a log of its movements, compare the output to expected actions, and THEN use the debugger (if you need to) to see where/how it's going wrong.
Jack Wool wrote:I have no idea why or what is going wrong
abhishek singhania wrote:Notice the effect of not placing the semicolon <;> at the end of servlet-api.jar.
Campbell Ritchie wrote: Of course, it could then take several minutes to compile a 50‑line class
Campbell Ritchie wrote:.... once we know you have handed in your version.
Campbell Ritchie wrote:So how did you do it?
Ulf Dittmer wrote:"Not smart enough for this task" is the same as "too stupid for this task", isn't it?