This week's book giveaway is in the Programmer Certification forum.
We're giving away four copies of OCP Oracle Certified Professional Java SE 21 Developer Study Guide: Exam 1Z0-830 and have Jeanne Boyarsky & Scott Selikoff on-line!
See this thread for details.

prashanth nagaraj

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Recent posts by prashanth nagaraj

Thanks for the above replies. But also wanted some links on the examples as asked in question1. Request you to share the same

14 years ago
I have been in this IT industry(JAVA J2EE) since long time, but did not get a chance to work on Web services. I am aware of the architectural concepts but not too sure about the implementation part. I know there are lot of implementations, but not sure which is the right one.

1. Can you please suggest some good links to start with good examples?

2. In the same line, I have some doubts regarding the usage of stubs and skeletons in web services? My understanding is stubs and skeletons are used only when both client and server are implemented in same technology. For ex; RMI for java.
I do come across references for stubs/skeletons in web services/SOAP too.. What if the consumer and producer in webservices are in different technologies. Does stub/skeleton still works here or is it really required as part of web services?

14 years ago
In websphere - We have jaas security configured in our application(not in web deployment descriptor) - the users and roles are configured in properties file and we are using Client Login Module for authentication. We want to replace user/roles configuration with Ldap server.

Earlier we were using for class name and for delegate.

What is the compatible class name and delegate for LDAP configuration?

We are usign novell's eDirectory for LDAP server

14 years ago
We have jaas security configured in our application(not in web deployment descriptor) - the users and roles are configured in properties file and we are using Client Login Module for authentication. We want to replace user/roles configuration with Ldap server.

Earlier we were using for class name and for delegate.

What is the compatible class name and delegate for LDAP configuration?

We are usign novell's eDirectory for LDAP server

14 years ago
Hi, I want to integrate my web application that has security restrictions with ldap server. I am able to integrate websphere app server with ldap server by making settings in "Secure administration, applications, and infrastructure" under Security section.

FOr securing j2ee applications, to define policies, the documentation says to add jaas policies under the same "Secure administration, applications, and infrastructure".

THere is one module that needs to be configured for that. What is the compatible module for LDAP connection?

I am using WAS 6.1

thanks in advance
14 years ago
Hi, I want to integrate my application with Novell's eDirectory LDAP server.

I have heard about Spring ldap, but wanted to know if its worth using or any open source apis available in the market...

Also, please share me any urls that gives samples about Spring with eDIrectory

thanks in advance...

14 years ago
Hi, I want to integrate my application that runs on Jboss with Novell's eDirectory LDAP server. Although I was successful in installing server and able to connect its client, but not integrated yet using JBOSS

Basically, I want to connect my j2ee application with eDirectory.

Can someone guide me how to integrate jboss application server with eDirectory Ldap server. In addition to configuring connection using app servers, I should get this reference using jndi in my j2ee application and communicate with ldap servers for user authentication -(just like datasource.)

thanks in advance...

14 years ago
Hi, I want to integrate my application that runs on Websphere with Novell's eDirectory LDAP server. Although I was successful in installing server and able to connect its client, somehow I am unable to connect using Websphere. Googling did not help.

Basically, I want to connect my j2ee application with eDirectory.

Can someone guide me how to integrate websphere application server with eDirectory Ldap server. In addition to configuring connection using app servers, I should get this reference using jndi in my j2ee application and communicate with ldap servers for user authentication -(just like datasource.)

thanks in advance...

14 years ago
Hi, I want to integrate my application that runs on both Websphere and JBOSS with Novell's eDirectory LDAP server. Although I was successful in installing server and able to connect its client, somehow I am unable to connect using Websphere. Googling did not help.

Basically, I want to connect my j2ee application with eDirectory.

Can someone guide me how to integrate websphere and jboss application servers with eDirectory Ldap server. In addition to configuring connection using app servers, I should get this reference using jndi in my j2ee application and communicate with ldap servers for user authentication -(just like datasource.)

thanks in advance...

14 years ago

I am developing an online shopping application where we display images for the products we sell. The images are provided by external content providers that needs editing according our standards for displaying in web pages.

I tried JMagick, an java interface for ImageMagick that provides editing, compressing, scaling, etc that fits into our requirements. unfortunately, there is no support since its an open source.

Can anyone suggest me any commercial tools/apis(can pay for license) that can be integrated with java. Basically, it needs to support major imaging features like scaling, compressing, editing, cropping, etc.

Requires help!!!

16 years ago

Thats my real name. And I am not new to javaranch. I am here since ages.

19 years ago
Hi, I am new to stxx. Although I have worked both in struts and xsl independantly, am somehow not able to understand much in stxx.

The examples provided by is not wpking. Can anyone send me some links for STXX examples.

19 years ago
How do we get the dtd for that?

If I can get that, I will study that and want to know what else we can add in <Database>-ds.xml

19 years ago
There is a way for creating Connection pool by specifying the connection manager JBossManagedConnectionPool in jboss-service.xml, but how do we map this pool to the datasource mentioned in the <database>-ds.xml

[ May 12, 2005: Message edited by: prashanth c n ]
19 years ago

I am working on an portal development which involves travel bookings. One of the pages which is a secured one has got a link back to the homepage(supposed to be non-secured one). The problem here is the link to the homepage is getting converted into a secured one(ie https protocol) from an non-secured one(ie http). When a user clicks on the homepage link, then the user is taken to the secured homepage with a security warning from the browser.

This works fine in our development,system, Uat testing servers, but fails in the Production server.
Environment used:
App server:Weblogic6.1
UI developed in JSP
OS: Solaris

If a user hits the homepage with an url say, and in between enters an secured page having the same url ie From this page, the link to the homepage is supposed to be a non-secured one ie . This url is read from the properties file. Somewhat the url is getting converted into which should not be the case.

Can anyone let me know waht could be the problem here
20 years ago