Arun Pai

Ranch Hand
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since Mar 11, 2002
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Validity for voucher till end December 2002. Interested candidate please contact at email :[email protected]. FIRST COME FIRST SERVE , SPECIAL DISCOUNTED OFFER FOR COMBINED PURCHASE.
22 years ago
XXX RUM + Coke on the harder side.
Tiger Beer on the Softer side.
22 years ago
ooooh... Map looks soooooo... seeeeeexy in the dark.
22 years ago
Okies, MahaAnna welcome Backo to the Rancho.
22 years ago
sounds like an American.
22 years ago
Two women can never stay together, there is bound to be unhappiness. Angela is your SIL married??? ask her to get married and move to her own house , or you both come to terms.
22 years ago
PROBABLY gautham kasinath
signs as Lupo, spells would as wud. so should be using could as cud as Map suggested earlier.
22 years ago
22 years ago
Osho ashram is nearby and that can be easily arranged for people with special tastes.

-Arun :roll:
22 years ago
if I was logged in, this would have been my 61st post

I just checked the messages closer to 61 and u seemed to be closest to 61 amongst recent messsages. Detective work heHehe.
22 years ago
who wants to join me for a Rendezvous??
22 years ago
Gotcha!!! Sita Kodali . he He he
22 years ago
What are they made from? I mean these russian beauties. Ravish

just for TimePass :
why there should be swim suit round (ya.. it might that they have to represent there country in olympic for swimming ).. OR real beauty is seen only in swim and gown round only

One day they may have a birthday suite round and the competion may get really hot.
22 years ago
with a cigarette in my hand I felt like a man.
22 years ago