raj sekar

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Recent posts by raj sekar

Hi Venkat,
Check the Prometric web site for the Cost.

In U.S, its 200 USD for Part 1 and 200 USD for Part 2.



Hi Venkat,
You have to configure your web application to use integrated windows Authentication. Setting in the IIS and use servlet api to get the user info and display in the web page.

and then try this
<b>Information about request:</b><br/>

out.println("Auth Type: "+request.getAuthType()+"<br/>");
out.println("Remote User: "+request.getRemoteUser()+"<br/>");
out.println("Requested Session ID: "+request.getRequestedSessionId()
java.util.Enumeration e = request.getHeaderNames();
while (e.hasMoreElements()) {
String n = (String) e.nextElement();
out.println("   "+n+": "+request.getHeader(n)+"<br/>");
15 years ago
Hi Ranchers,
Let me know the answers and explanation for the below 5 mock questions

1. Which of the following syntax is correct for a document type declaration?

A: <?DOCTYPE RootElemSYSTEM ExternalDTRef [InternalDTDDec1]>
B: <!DOCTYPE ElemSYSTEM ExternalDTRef [InternalDTDDec1]>
C: <!DOCTYPE RootElemSYSTEM ExternalDTRef [InternalDTDDec1]>
D: <?DOCTYPE ElemSYSTEM ExternalDTRef [InternalDTDDec1]>

2.The entities that are used to help modularize the structure of a DTD by
storing commonly used declaration components are called?

A: parameter entities
B: declared entities
C: invoked entities
D: general entities

3.The fundamental constructs in an XSL style sheet are?

A: templates, entities, patterns, objects
B: templates, patterns
C: entities, patterns, objects
D: patterns, objects

4.Which of the following DOM methods is a Booleans that tests to see whether a given node has child nodes?

A: DoesChildExist()
B: CreateChild()
C: HasChildNodes()
D: none of the above

5.The contents of a parsed entity are sometimes referred to as the?

A: entity's replacement text.
B: entity's verified text.
C: entity's validated text.
D: entity's replacement data
Hi Bob,
Check with Sun Support team. They will esculate the issue to engineering to create a Policy Agent for Web Methods.

Other options is to use the Policy Agent jar files and create a custom Policy Agent for web methods. You need understand how the policy agent works.

I have done some customization to the oracle policy agent 2.1.

18 years ago

Web Agents

Web agents control access to content on web servers and proxy servers. The content that web agents can protect include a multitude of services and web resources based on policies configured by an administrator. When a user points a browser to a URL deployed on a protected web or proxy server, the agent intercepts the request and validates the user�s session token, if any exists. If the token�s authentication level is insufficient (or none exists), the appropriate Authentication Service is called for a login page, prompting the user for (further) authentication. The Authentication Service verifies that the user credentials are valid. For example, the LDAP service verifies that the user name and password are stored in an LDAP v3 compliant directory server, such as Sun Java System Directory Server. After the user�s credentials are properly authenticated, the agent examines all the roles and groups (which contain the policies) assigned to the user. Based on the aggregate of all policies assigned to the user, the individual is either allowed or denied access to the URL.
J2EE Agents

Access Manager provides agents for protecting J2EE applications in a variety of deployment containers, such as application and portal servers.

A J2EE policy agent can be installed for protecting a variety of hosted J2EE applications, which might require a varying set of security policy implementation. The security infrastructure of J2EE provides declarative as well as programmatic security that are platform-independent and are supported by all the J2EE-compliant servers. For details on how to use J2EE platform declarative as well as programmatic security, refer to J2EE documentation at http://java.sun.com/j2ee.

The agent helps enable role-to-principal mapping for protected J2EE applications with Access Manager principals. Therefore, at runtime, when a J2EE policy is evaluated, the evaluation is against the information available in Access Manager. Using this functionality, you can configure hosted J2EE applications so that they are protected by the J2EE agent, which provides real security services and other key features such as single sign-on. Apart from enabling J2EE security for hosted applications, J2EE agents also provide complete support for Access Manager based URL policies for enforcing access control over web resources hosted in deployment containers, such as an application servers.

While web agents and J2EE agents both work with Access Manager to implement authentication and authorization processes, the design of the J2EE agents allows them to also enforce J2EE security. The J2EE agents are generally comprised of two components (although this is partially subject to the interfaces exposed and supported by the deployment container): an agent filter for authentication and an agent realm for authorization.
18 years ago
Hi Ben,
Check the sun docs on URL Agent (Web Agent) and J2ee Agent.


18 years ago
Hi Bob,
There are two types of Sun Policy Agent.

1. URL Policy Agent (URL based)
2. J2EE Policy Agent (Realm based)

You can install URL Policy Agent on any supported web server and deploy the application on Web Methods.

Hope this helps,

18 years ago

10-Week Free AJAX Programming (with Passion!) Online Course

1. AJAX Basics & Development Tools (Aug. 4th, 2006)
2. AJAX Frameworks and Toolkits (Aug. 11th, 2006)
3. JavaScript Basics (Aug. 25th, 2006)
4. Dojo Toolkits (Sep. 1st, 2006)
5. JSON (Sep. 15th, 2006)
6. Direct Web Remoting (DWR) (Sep. 22nd, 2006)
7. Google Web Toolkit (Oct. 6th, 2006)
8. JavaServer Faces and AJAX Integration (Oct. 13th, 2006)
9. jMaki (Oct. 27th, 2006)
10. Web Application Frameworks and AJAX (Nov. 3rd, 2006)
11. CSS & JavaScript Best Practices (Nov. 17th, 2006)

Enjoy learning !

18 years ago
Hi Kavi,

LDAP defines a communication protocol. That is, it defines the transport and format of messages used by a client to access data in an X.500-like directory. LDAP does not define the directory service itself.

Reference: From Understanding LDAP by Heinz Johner, Larry Brown, Franz-Stefan Hinner, Wolfgang Reis, Johan Westman

18 years ago
check LDAP guru


[ UD: edited to fix the link ]
[ June 21, 2006: Message edited by: Ulf Dittmer ]
18 years ago
Great Score Congrats !!!


Check the Sun developer site to develop JSR 168 to access the Google Web service.

18 years ago
I want to display a link in the Struts error message.
and tried the below code but it didn't parse the html tag.

In the application.properties

error.changePwd=Click the link to change the password <a href\="http://localhost/app/changepwd.do> Password Change </a>

Login page:

<c:forEach var="err" items="${errors}">
<tr><td colspan="2"><font class="error"><c ut value="${err}"/></font></td></tr>

Any help is appreciated.

18 years ago