Rajeev Nair

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since Mar 11, 2002
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Recent posts by Rajeev Nair

Welcome Simon !
Do you have some sample chapters from your book to look at?
21 years ago
What Web container or Web Server you deal in your book ?. I have Tomcat loaded and will that be OK to run the examples from your book.
Do you have any sample chapters to look at?.
21 years ago
What would be the best EJB container or a web server which I can download as part of studying.
Iam just a beginner here. I have WIN 98 and I dont know whether there is anything available for this platform. Any help is appreciated.
Do you have any chapters for free download?. Whether one should know Servlets and JSP to start reading your book?.
Thanks Jackie !. I didnt find it in Manning.com about the ebook for SWCD and so was wondering where did u get the info. So it will be out in July 10th.
Can you give me the URL of the ebook for SWCD kit in manning?.
What is the difference between
Web Server, Application Server and a Servlet Container ?.
21 years ago
I compiled PasswordBuilder and now my question is where should the class file be placed. I tried by placing the class file in the tomcat directory and also in the same servlet/source directory ,but both time when i tried to run gave me an nullpointer exception. Any idea will be appreciated.
21 years ago
Thanks for your reply ,but i didnt get when you say "Remember to create all foldres in the filepath before runing PasswordBuilder". Can you elaborate on this. Thanks in advance.
21 years ago
Iam trying to compile an example of password protected page from chapter 4 of "core servlets and jsp" . The servlet ProtectedPage reads a password file which is created in another class called PasswordBuilder. My question is that the PasswordBuilder can be in any place or it should be in one of the tomcat directory to access this file?. Iam getting an nullpointer exception for it.
I have put the password file in PasswordBuilder class like
String passwordFile =
Let me know what iam doing wrong.
Thanks in advance
21 years ago
Thanks Mike !. I could compile it now. Its not so simple and starightforward. I was going nuts with this.
21 years ago
Hi Laksmeenarayana,
Do you mean i need to put "." at the end of the classpath. I did that and still iam getting the compilation error. Let me know what you think.
21 years ago