Stuie Clarky

Ranch Hand
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since Nov 09, 2012
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Recent posts by Stuie Clarky

Hey Somnath,

Congratulations on the book!

How do you feel that spring will respond to it being positioned/discussed as the 'heavy old man' in comparison to more recent platforms like Micronaught and Quarkus?

Also, what new feature are you looking forward to most in New Spring Boot releases?


2 years ago
Hey Stephen, Melissa, Ixchel, and Baruch,

Congratulations on the book!

My question to you is given the landscape change that DevOps has caused to software development, how would you go about adhering to the kiss principle while gaining as much value from DevOps practices as possible?

Also, what experiences have you had communicating these things to management/non-technical staff?

2 years ago

Congratulations on the book Laurentiu Spilca!

My question to you would be what part of the spring ecosystem is the but you dread using when the time comes?

For me is always the security part. Making sure you set everything up right and it's all playing nicely together feels like a lot of overhead and harder than it should be.


2 years ago

Congratulations on the book!

My question is what is the smallest change that gives the most bang for the buck to the day to day development? Or what would be the change worth pushing through the version updates for?



I responded to the message the same day it came through, but haven't received a confirmation message yet.

2 years ago
Hey Davi,

Congratulations on the book!

How is the comparison of Quarkus against other comparable Frameworks? Has the relative immaturity of Quarkus had any noticeable impact on the adoption and function of Quarkus applications?
Hi Joel,

In your opinion, what is the biggest sin that developers commit in their apps that are released on the Play store (without naming names etc)?

In my limited development experience (although a long time Android user) it is when apps get successful and the developers start to shoe-horn in as much content as possible. This tends to result in both feature and permission bloat, which for me spoils the user experience as performance usually suffers as a result.

Best of luck with the new book

9 years ago
Hi Joel,

Welcome to the Ranch, and congratulations on your book
9 years ago
Whilst I don't know about the specifics of getting a job in Mumbai, I can tell you the OCAJP exam is the first one you will need to do. Once you have passed this, you can then do the OCPJP exam. If you already have a certification from an older version of the exam, then there is the upgrade exam you can take instead of either of these two.
Book received, will be making the time to get stuck into this.

Thanks again
You could test it yourself - copy the jar over to a different machine and see if it works. You will want to do that sort of testing before you go in front of a client
9 years ago
As other posts on here say, leave the IDE (intellij) alone to begin with and start with the basics of your favourite text editor and the command line. The trail examples here on the ranch are done using the command line if you want to look at them.

The reason this advice is given is an IDE, while a powerful tool, will highlight errors and offer suggestions to fix them without you even realising what you've got wrong on the first place. Starting with the text editor will help enforce the basics of syntax, and how to read the error messages from the compiler and understand exactly what it is telling you.

As for books, head first and learning Java are both good, as is the Detil and Detil book (although it's not cheap)
9 years ago
Oh wow, thanks. Additionally, thank you to the authors for taking to time to respond to us, greatly appreciated
Given how much you have managed to do so far without an IDE, I'd say you have a pretty decent grounding for how things work, what various error and compiler messages mean and how to fix them, how to package and deploy things (assumption based on creating things connecting to databases). An IDE will help smooth off the rough edges, like being able to easily refactor, auto-adding imports etc for you. Its important to learn how to do things from scratch, but using an IDE will help make you more productive.

To be honest, you could still compile and build things from terminal, an reduce the IDE to basically a very fancy text editor.
9 years ago