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since Mar 12, 2002
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Recent posts by kita

Is Sun Certified Enterprise Architect for J2EE Technology: Study Guide good?
Does it has section for legacy Connectiviti. Is that guide enough to pass the certification?
I need help how to configure weblogic and iPlanet ldap server. Does anybody has any documentation or how I can do that?
22 years ago
Do you know which patch, I need to use it.
22 years ago
I am using webpshere Application Server V4.0 AES.
I did post messages at, but so far no help.
I can create admin objects, but the problem is, when I stopped websphere and restarted, admin objects are gone. I tried every thing now.
22 years ago
What do you mean?
22 years ago
I did follow all those documents, but I still have the same problem.
Please let me if you found anything.
22 years ago
I have MQSeries installed. During the creation of the queue I specified the default queue.
22 years ago
Every time I registered a queue or queue connection factory in MQ, when I restarted websphere they will be gone.
Any body has any clue?
22 years ago
I am getting this error java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: com/ibm/rmi/iiop/ORB do you have any idea?
What port I should use PROVIDER_URL=iiop://localhost:900 or PROVIDER_URL=iiop://localhost:9090 (server admin uses that port port 9090)?
22 years ago
I would like to know if Webshpere 4.0 has JMS server built into it?
In case not how I can get MQSeries and how set up with websphere 4.0
22 years ago
I tried to modify the xmi files but when I run AAT, AAT overwrite my xmi files.
22 years ago
How to move CMP beans from weblogic to websphere.
I have my beans and my tables. I want to know how to do the "Meet-In-Midlle"? Do I have to use Visual Age to do that? I have been working on this thing for a month, but no success.
22 years ago
Did any body has done a migration from weblogic to websphere?
22 years ago
I am trying to deploy an ejb using AAT, in my ejb there is a find Method wich takes a java.lang.Long, and the query in ibm-ejb-jar-ext.xmi like <ejbext:EJBJarExtension xmi:version="2.0" xmlns:xmi="" xmlns:ejbext="ejbext.xmi" xmlns:ejb="ejb.xmi" xmi:id="ejb-jar_ID_Ext">
<ejbJar href="META-INF/ejb-jar.xml#ejb-jar_ID"/>
<ejbExtensions xmi:type="ejbext:ContainerManagedEntityExtension" xmi:id="ContainerManagedEntityExtension_1">
<enterpriseBean xmi:type="ejb:ContainerManagedEntity" href="META-INF/ejb-jar.xml#ContainerManagedEntity_1"/>
<structure xmi:id="BeanStructure_1" inheritenceRoot="false"/>
<beanCache xmi:id="BeanCache_1" activateAt="TRANSACTION" loadAt="TRANSACTION"/>
<internationalization xmi:id="BeanInternationalization_1" invocationLocale="CALLER"/>
<localTran xmi:id="LocalTran_1" boundary="BEAN_METHOD" unresolvedAction="ROLLBACK"/>
<finderDescriptors xmi:type="ejbext:WhereClauseFinderDescriptor" xmi:id="WhereClauseFinderDescriptor_1" whereClause="T1.ACCT_UID=?">
<finderMethodElements xmi:id="MethodElement_1" name="findByAccount" parms="Long" type="Home">
<enterpriseBean xmi:type="ejb:ContainerManagedEntity" href="META-INF/ejb-jar.xml#ContainerManagedEntity_1"/>
but, when I used AAT to generate the deployment code I get an error saying there is no such method setLong(int, Long). AAT is not able to get long value.
22 years ago
What are VAJ4.0, WSAD and WAS ?
I am kind of new to websphere world?
Do you know if I can manually changed the files generated by AAT?
I already have cmp beans and tables.
How easy to use those tools mentioned to work with an existing bean?
22 years ago