srinivas suri

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since Nov 21, 2012
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for(i=low;i<high;i++) //k will contain no.of elements in p
a[i]=p[i-low]; // //p[0] is copied to a[low] and so on..........

i tried this one also....still, it doesn't work!
12 years ago
/* I am not getting the output in a sorted order. Can someone help me where the bug is?? i guess it's somewhere in merge( ) .....but, i'm not able to figure it out..... THANKS a ton

12 years ago
Thank you so much! ...yah, that was the bug, i've changed the code a bit and set the setVisible to true after adding the components, it works fine now ......
12 years ago
/*Can someone help me why i'm getting a plane frame?? */

12 years ago