Sunny Liu

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since Mar 15, 2002
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Recent posts by Sunny Liu

Using com bridge. you can search for it on google with "Java COM Bridge"
22 years ago
Reason is very simple; you can dynamic way change class_path and you can even encrypt your java class byte code then loading class using your own class loader, and so forth.
22 years ago
Yes, You can either use Runtime class to call external java compiler or you may use package's compiler API to compile java file
22 years ago and do not deal with HTML-FORM base anthentication, and there is no standard way how do peoples define their HTML username and password fields. If you are making a generic utility to do this job, it would be a pretty hard task. in your java code, you have to parse HTML page which has username and password field on it, to get input field name of these two field and Action URL then using HTTP POST in your URLConnection code to open connection.
for specific web site, you do not need to parse HTML page. you can find these information advance.
third way, You can develop a simple WEB browser to do this trick.
22 years ago
Microsoft ot third party may have a java class to COM bridge stuff, Or you can use JNI API expose your java class to C++ and make a C++ COM component to be called by VB.
I wish it would help
22 years ago
I can decompile any java class files from All of big company, Such as SUN, IBM, Oracle etc. I think You may try digital sign every single class file, write a your own custom classloader and save your public key into a C or C++ class which will be called by java using Java Native Interface. or you can get digital certificate from Verisign. make Native application launcher for different platforms, it will check certificate as well from publuc well-known CA. Ultimately, you have no way to 100% protect your byte code(java class and .Net MSIL byte code).
If anyone knows a such good utility that can protected your byte code from decompiling, please post it here, I will try to hack it down. Basicly, I like a OPEN SOURCE WITH PATENT idea.
22 years ago
You can not call a abstract method, but you can call empty method. class with a abstract method, then it have to be a abstract class, sequencely you can instantiate a abstract class as well.
Usually you provide empty method just because you want to use some other methods from parent class or implements a interface but you do not want to implements all of methods defined in interface definition.
22 years ago
singleton means there is only one instance of sigleton class in lifetime of your JVM. synchronized your class does not prevent it having multiple instance in your JVM.
singleton pattern gurantee you can only get resource from same source.
I wish it would help.
I have passed 29 computer exams, from hardware to software development, plus some BSCS, does that means a PHD to my employer. I guess not. I have interviewed a "MCSE", he did not even know how does TCP/IP work? A college graduated student, I interviewed before, he did not know what is cat 5 cable either.
Basicly, Certificate or Degree does not mean anything. If you spend some times and M$, you will get what you want utimately. (I mean certificate and degree.) even worst, there are plenty of dump out there. Since I was a student, I haved passed more than 200 exams, I can said I am pretty good at taking exam at this point. I have only failed two exams once in 29 exams.
the most important thing is what you can do? Not every developer will develop a equal QUALITY AND QUANTITY software, even they have same Degree and Certificates. Software developement, it is about mind work and it can not measure by certificates or degree.
XML exam and Vendor neutral. are you kidding about this? XML and related technologies is not owned by any single company out there. It is a Vendor neutral enough.
So you do not care who own this exam, Unless owns this exam. There is no Vendor neutral XML exam as their AD said.
So far, I think IBM 141 would the be best choice.
I have just got 81 on ICE 157 exam. is there still a free voucher for me? any advise?

I haven't got Voucher for 24 hours now.
[ April 25, 2002: Message edited by: Sunny Liu ]
But I've just got it now. about in 28 hours
Good Luck Guys
[ April 25, 2002: Message edited by: Sunny Liu ]
I am sorry.
You can always download it from link on UserGuide.html page. it works.
[ April 22, 2002: Message edited by: Sunny Liu ]
22 years ago
I made a Java Unit Test tool as freeware. I wish it could help someone else like me using Junit all of time. simplify Java Unit Testting process.
enjoy ride.
22 years ago
Hi, Anirban
I have just finished a Java Unit Testing tool. It has a class called JXPUnitClassLoader. you can download it from
or full source code included. you may find what you need.
I wish It will help.
22 years ago
Hi all,
This project just like Ant project, It takes a XML file as input, basicaly, xml file is just a test case descriptor, It tells how many classes you are going to test, which constructor your going to use to instanciate your class? what publich method are you going to test and what paramters you want to pass into coresponsed method? etc.
I have finished Core functions package now. it can test primitive type parameters and String. I am working on custom type parameters and log4j plugin at this moment.
Here is a sample XML file I used to test a testxlass called Testee. (ommit <test-constructor> element means use default constructor without parameter.)
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<test-case class="com.sunny.jxp.test.Testee">
<test-method name="intAddition">
<test-method name="doubleAddition">
<test-method name="concateString">

Any comments are more than welcome. If you are interested, drop me an email and I can send src codes and Ant build file to you.
[ March 29, 2002: Message edited by: Sunny Liu ]