Purna Manepalli

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since Dec 19, 2012
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Recent posts by Purna Manepalli

Hi All,

I am very happy to share the news that, i got mail from Oracle yesterday.
Got 142/160. Though i did some mistakes like not considering internationalization, capacity planning etc, i got good score. (I think so )

Thanks a lot to this forum. Really helped me to clear most of the doubts.

Purna Manepalli.

I have taken 1Z0-866 exam on 7th Feb 2013. Later i realized that, in pearsonvue exam status is showing as 'Error'.
Later i mailed and called several times to pearsonvue. But not succeeded.
Please share, if any of you are facing such issues.
Please advice me.

Purna Manepalli
Hi All,

I would like to attend for mandatory training of OCMJEA. In India it costs 72K + travel + accommodation + 5 days leave from employer. I wonder which training is people opting for. As there were many approved trainings available.
Also like to know whether it is possible to attend live virtual classes option in India.

Thanks in advance.
Purna Manepalli.
It looks strange. Contact pearson team. Or you can register by directly visiting PearsonVUE center.
Hi Tarang,

It says like that only. I have just continued, and allowed me to register for 1Z0-866.

All the best.
Hi Fernando,

Hope they might be expecting business layer implementation technologies like EJB, Spring, POJO etc.
In your case it would be simply Java POJOs.

Ranchers, Please share your views!!!

Congrats Gerd Reichinger !!!

Appreciate for your efforts to share your experiences.

Hi Ranchers,

I got domain model with all bi-directional relationships. And in my assignment it is mentioned some thing like this.

"All of these objects and the relationships between them should be addressed in your design and

Say for example (Attached diagram is not from real assignment) i have mentioned given and proposed relations.

Is this kind of changes in domain model is accepted or not.

Could you please share your comments on this.

Thanks in advance.
Hi Ranchers,

I would like to restart this thread after a long time, because now i am in same situation.

I echo with vivek srivastava's comments. As per this assumption, there will not be any changes required in either DM or Use Case.

Please share your comments.

Thanks in advance.
Thanks a lot Fernando.

I am sure, i need to change cardinality at one place in my Domain Model. Then rest all perfect. I was just worried how can i change my DM.

Purna Manepalli.
Thanks Fernando.

As per your comment:
"You as the architect can change your domain model to reflect a solution designed to solve all use cases. Do not forget to document the reasons.
Remember, the assignament may be missing a lot of information in which you will have to assume in order to develop and deliver your proposed solution. "

Here the issue is, it was clearly mention that all domain classes and their relationships should present in my class diagram.

Please advice me.

Purna Manepalli.
Hi Ranchers,

In my assignment it has mentioned that, i need to keep domain model relationships with out any modification into class diagram.
But this domain model cardinality is not in synch with use case description. Could you please comment on this.

Thanks and Regards,
Purna Manepalli.
Hi Naresh,

Thanks a lot for your suggestion.

Hi Ranchers,

In my assignment, i need to access Mail server and external webservices. How can i show that in class diagram. From previous posts i found it has to be shown in class diagram.
I read few comments saying failed in class diagram because of incomplete external systems information.

Thanks in advance.
Hi Anila,

Even i have the same situation and got same doubt. I have used EJB timers and started the timer from controller startup.