Sumit Kayat

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since Dec 23, 2012
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I mean how Paint (Graphics g) Works ?
nd g.fillRect(int x ,int y width,height) too.
int x ,int y what are these nd where is (0,0) location starts on Screen ?

12 years ago

Janarthan S Sathiamurthy wrote:import java.util.Collections;

List myList = new ArrayList();
String[] myStringArray = new String[] {"Java", "is", "Cool"};

Collections.addAll(myList, myStringArray);

After this code, 'myList' should contain all the elements from the array.

Best regards,
Janarthan S

Its Not Complied ... 2 Notes Shown
1 java Uses unchecked and Unsafe Opeations
2Recompile with Xlint
help out
12 years ago