sepand minoo

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since Dec 25, 2012
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I have one table in database that contains 3 foreign keys to another tables(this three tables name are: manager,worker and employee). in each row only one foreign key is filled.I need to write one query that with attention which column of fk is filled in where clause specified condition is performed. I write simple query in jpa but doesn't work properly
select b from allEmployees b where :name OR = :name OR :name
do you have any idea?I have to resolve it but i don't have any idea
i need when user click the button some of code run in server and client doesn't wait too long so i decide use this method in link but i have 2 problems:
when defined "private final EventListener<event> eventListener;"
the error is org.zkoss.zk.ui.event.EventListener dese not take parameter and secound problem is when pass event class to executation.schedule the third parameter doesn't event.please help me</event>
like this
Executions.schedule(desktop, eventListener, new StepEvent(object o, list<String> s, list<String> b,String d ));
the error is :class StepEvent isn't event but this article use similar calss name SecondStepEvent
stepEvent extends Event