i need when user click the button some of code run in server and client doesn't wait too long so i decide use this method in link
http://www.javacodegeeks.com/2012/10/advanced-zk-asynchronous-ui-updates-and-background-processing-part-2.html but i have 2 problems:
when defined "private final EventListener<event> eventListener;"
the error is org.zkoss.zk.ui.event.EventListener dese not take parameter and secound problem is when pass event class to executation.schedule the third parameter doesn't event.please help me</event>
like this
Executions.schedule(desktop, eventListener, new StepEvent(object o, list<String> s, list<String> b,String d ));
the error is :class StepEvent isn't event but this article use similar calss name SecondStepEvent
stepEvent extends Event