Fred Welland

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since Mar 18, 2002
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tried that already. Didn't work strange syntax errors. so I am assuming that either I don't have the correct syntax (i tried lots of permutations) or not supported.

Digging around didn't lead me one way or the other.

I was hoping someone here might now...

i am beginning to think it is not supported.....
Using DB2 Type4 "Universal" driver against DB2 v8 (on aix)

I'd like to do something like this:

buf.append("update temp table....;');
buf.append("DELETE from temp table where xxx;");
buf.append("select * from temp table;");

bool = stmt.execute(buf.toString());

//process update counts and results sets with
//stmt.getUpdateCount(), stmt.getMoreResults(), stmt.getResultSet()...

DB2 complains about this some token missing on the first line. I have done this under oracle.

So does DB2 support this kind of thing? If so, how? Links to an example would be great.
[ April 04, 2005: Message edited by: Bear Bibeault ]
Does anyone know where I can the plugin/connector widget that will forward (certain) http request from iPlanet 4.1x WebServer to a Tomcat 4.0x/4.1x web container?
I prefer a binary not source. I have found a source tar ball for some connector at jakarta, but I can't get it to compile w/o investing alot of time.
Alternatively, has anybody done this (front end tomcat with iWS)? If so, directions would help.
21 years ago
I installed the latest JDK 1.4.1 on my RH 7.3 laptop and noticed that dialogue boxes are dog slow. For example, running the the SwingSet2 demo (comes with the JDK), even messages boxes take like 10+ seconds to draw. The frame pops up immediately, its just the contents (buttons, widgets etc) that take time to draw.
You can run the same demo under jdk 1.3.1 in dialogues are fine and snappy and Swing in general runs well.

I have tried several VMs, tinkered around with my X stuff and toyed with VM -X option as well as java2D options; nothing has helped.
HELP! I would like to use JDK14!!!
Here are the specifics of my machine:
RedHat 7.3 Distro
Toshiba Tecra 8100 Laptop (256mb ram; PII 700mhz)
XFree86-4.2.0-8 + Gnome 1.4
Linux 2.4.18-3 #1 Thu Apr 18 07:37:53 EDT 2002 i686 unknown

This VM works well:
java version "1.3.1_04"
Java(TM) 2 Runtime Environment, Standard Edition (build 1.3.1_04-b02)
Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM (build 1.3.1_04-b02, mixed mode)
These VMs are dog slow with dialogues (Swing in general seems slow but tollerable):
java version "1.4.0_01"
Java(TM) 2 Runtime Environment, Standard Edition (build 1.4.0_01-b03)
Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM (build 1.4.0_01-b03, mixed mode)
java version "1.4.1"
Java(TM) 2 Runtime Environment, Standard Edition (build 1.4.1-b21)
Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM (build 1.4.1-b21, mixed mode)
java version "1.4.0"
Java(TM) 2 Runtime Environment, Standard Edition (build 1.4.0)
BEA Weblogic JRockit(R) Virtual Machine (build 7.0-1.4.0-linux32-mortae-20020830-1744, Native Threads, Generational Concurrent Garbage Collector)
21 years ago
Any body got httplogging working to the database as per the admin guide?
I have tinkered with it way too much and all I can get is a message like (in kjs logs):
[22/May/2002 16:33:48:7] warning: DATA-107: DSN eventlog passed for default driver is not in the registry
select DATA Driver as default driver
[22/May/2002 16:33:48:7] warning: DATA-108: failed to create a data connection with any of specified drivers
[22/May/2002 16:42:28:5] info: GDS-007: finished a registry load

22 years ago
We have about 7 developers including myself. Most folks use WinNT WS 4 on PII 450 to 500 mhz with 256mb ram. Most run iWS and iAS locally, use ANT for builds and deploys, and a variety of editors/IDEs rangeing from Jedit to kawa to VCafe to Homesite (beleive it or not). Everyone uses Clearcase (snapshot views). One of our guys does run iAS in his Kawa debugger with good results. Most folks are also running another app or two along with this, typically a browser or Lotus Notes.
Most folks are just fine. No one really runs the heavy weight Java based IDEs like Forte or JBuilder.
I do all my work on a Tecra 8100 running RH linux (256 mbram, I think it is a PII 600 - I forget). Dont run iAS obviously. I use JEDIT and its VSF FTP filesystem browser to edit code directly on a Solaris box where my iAS and iWS instance live (and clearcase view).
I quess we are sorta on the miniamlist side of things.
22 years ago
I am reworking the authentication infrastructure for medium sized J2EE application. And I have been writing a simple war to test some strategies.
My test war uses a simplified servlet controller ala Pet Store. In effort to protect some 'stuff' from being 'called' directily w/o going thru a controller, I installed a security contraint on a URL pattern and its role is set to 'nobody' - which is not a role in our security realm (LDAP).
Now the proteced URL contains JSPs that are forwared to by the controller, (which is protected but by a different constraint - that does have defined roles in our realm).
Tomcat (4.0.2) has no problem allowing the controller to do a RequestDispatcher.forward() to a JSP in the protected URL pattern. iAS 6sp3 (Solaris) generates a 'not authorized' error when attempting to forward to a protected URL.
I guess I am thinking maybe iAS has it right: wether I went to the URL directly or thru a forward - the current login doesn't have privs to access the URL.
Who is correct? Also, a co-worker has run a similar test on Weblogic 6 and it appears to behave like Tomcat.
The ultimate objective is to protect the JSPs from direct calls. What might be another strategy? Put them under WEB-INF? Where would one forward to in this setup? Oh, we are likely to bail on iAS soon, and go to Weblogic, so a XAppServer solution is highly desireable.
22 years ago
The first poster in this thread is likely employed by sun in some fashion. I have been using iPlanet for the past 1 1/2 years and have seen his name frequently on their news groups associated with Sun/iPlanet support.
FWIW: The previous iPlanet newsgroups actually worked quite well. Seldom a day would pass before someone would provide feed back to an issue or question. I have at least two questions on the new SoftwareForum site and haven't even had a bite.
To boot is is hard to browse; it has no reall good way to see a snap shot of all ongoing threads. Very disappointing overall.
Perhaps this site will make up for the loss of a good resource.
22 years ago