Keivin Xu

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since Mar 21, 2002
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Hi Sigfred,
I'm in a similar situation. 3 years of vb, c++, java experience, passed SCJP. I'm in China now, and will go to Toronto in a couple of months. Maybe we can keep in touch.
22 years ago
Hi friends,
I want to hide some elements of a form at particular situations. In IE, I put the elements in a <div>. By setting the div's style, I can successfully hide them. But in NS4, it doesn't work. Then I just put the whole <form> in a <div>. The hiding and showing work well, but when I access the elements in Javascript, there seems be something wrong.
For example, the form's name is form1, the div's id is div1 and the elements are text1 and hidden1.
In the Javascript code, the following cases work well in different cases:
[1] document.form1.elements["text1"].value = "sometext1";
document.form1.elements["hidden1"].value = "sometext2";
[2] document.div1.document.form1.elements["text1"].value = "sometext1";
document.div1.document.form1.elements["hidden1"].value = "sometext2";
I don't know the reason why sometime [1] works but [2] doesn't, sometime [2] works but [1] doesn't.
Can anybody tell me which one is correct way to access the form elements surrounded by div in NS4. Why the elements seems accessable/unaccessable in different occasions.
Thanks a lot.
Yes, log4j can do it. but it is a very expensive operation, if there are too many log messages, it can reduce your performance greatly. i remember there was a table (can't find it now) comparing the different parameters used in log4j. that table showed that to obtain the method name is very slow.
22 years ago