vaibhav hadole

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since Mar 10, 2013
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Recent posts by vaibhav hadole

have you find any solution to this ?

I am facing same problem... Plzz help!!!
11 years ago
Thanks for the reply...

No.. I have integrated jForum within my application.. So, It ll b deployed only once but DB's are changing..

Initially I m manually creating the DB's. So, I ll just create the jForum tables in every DB..

11 years ago

I have merge the jForum2.3.4 in my existing app. I have almost done it with little issue. :|

Whenever I am trying to access the jForum link it always logged in as Anonymous.

I have implemented the SSO as following...

userloginid my sessionStorage object.

Please help!!!
11 years ago

I am trying yo integrate the jForum in my app.

I am using the Hibernate and multiple DB at a time. Its login dependent which DB you choose.
So I need to select the DB for jForum in the same way at login time.

Can anybody know hoe to do this? how to change jForum DB at dynamically?

thanks in advance..
11 years ago