Granny's Programming Pearls
"inside of every large program is a small program struggling to get out"

Sudha Deshmukh

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since Mar 25, 2002
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Recent posts by Sudha Deshmukh

Hi All

I am a newbie to EJB programming and I am wondering if the following can be done with session beans...

Can we change already created and deployed stateless session bean to a stateful session bean by just changing the deployment descriptor (ejb-jar.xml) and re-deploying it again or do we have to to create the bean from scratch again incase we have to change it.

Similarly, can we change an already created and deployed statefulsession bean to a stateless session bean by changing the deployment descriptor and re-deploying the bean.


S Deshmukh
Hi Java Ranchers
Can any one of you let me know if WSAD 5.0 can be installed on Windows XP Home Edition and Windows XP professional edition.
22 years ago
Hi JavaRanchers
I am very happy to let you all know that I have cleared the SCWCD exam with 93 %. I am a silent visitor of Java Ranch website all these days and it really helped me a lot for the preparation of the exam. I do not have any working experience working with Jsp's or Servlets. I have been reading for the exam from the past two months studying about 1 hr a day but from the past two weeks I have started seriously working for the Exam. This is how I prepared for the Exam:
1. One complete reading of More Servlets and Jsp's
2. One Complete reading of Servlet and Jsp specifications
3. One complete reading of SCWCD Study Guide by Hanumant Deshmukh
4. Read all the notes from the Java Ranch Links page including Alx Dark's notes and Velmurugan's notes
5. Did the mock exams in JWEBPLUS along with Java Ranch mock exam and Anand Chawla's exam.
I got a lot of questions on tag libraries and disributed web applications. The questions I got on Session Management and Security, and thread safe servlets are very tricky. There are a few confusing questions overall and other than that, there are many direct and straight forward questions.
When I was taking the exam, I was confident enough that I would pass the exam, but I have not expected a score of 93 % which really made me very happy.
Thanks a lot for all your support through out my preparation.
22 years ago
Hi Hanumant,
1. Is the SCWCD Exam Guide self-sufficient to pass the exam or Is it more kind of a reference material.
2. Does the book contain a lot of sample applications, Jsp's and servlets to practice for.
3. Is the book meant for beginners or experienced programmers.
4 .Is it just enough to just know java programming to read this book.
Is the book available in Borders or barnes & Noble?
Hi Java Ranchers
I use Forte for java. I have placed the file in the fote4java/lib/ext direcory and I was also able to establish the connetion.But when I try to complie the Jdbc program, it gives me a error that oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver() not found.
But when I try to run the same program from the DOS - prompt it works fine and gives me the result. Do I need to make any other settings with Forte .........Please Help.
Hi Java Ranchers
I use Apache- Tomcat webserver in my work place and I am open to choose any IDE tool for java which has a free download. I am just wondering what is the best IDE that goes along with Tomcat. I know that IBM Visual age and websphere go together but I have not idea about working with Visual Age and Tomcat. Also considering the most widely used IDE in the IT market now-a-days, please suggest me an IDE tool for Java to work along with Tomcat.
Thanks In Advance
22 years ago
Excellent Study Guide. Thank you Alx.
Hi all
I have installed the Apache-Tomcat 4.0 on windows 2000.My tomcat works very well for a few days and suddenly when I try to startup the Tomcat server,the startup window just flickers displaying nothing and the server does not start.I am not sure if any body has the same problem as mine and please help me solve this problem.
22 years ago
Its Working. thanks Roy
22 years ago
Hi all,
I was working on a web-application with Tomacat 4.0. I have placed all the images for the application in a directory called images in the root directory.I want to display the images in an index.jsp file and I have specfied:
<img src="images/logo.jpg" width=20 height=20 algn="right">
The rest of the application works fine but none of the images are beig displayed.Some one please help me solve this problem.

22 years ago
I need to upload a file to the Tomcat Webserver.Could any one please give me a link for an upload servlet for uploading a file to the web server.
22 years ago
Hi Java Ranchers
I have cleared my SCJP and I am planning to take the SCWCD exam.I am new to java Sevlets and jsp's.Is it preferable to use only the tomcat web server for preparation,or any other web server is fine. I have just started working with jsp's using Blazix web server suggested in the web site.Please suggest me good sources to learn jsp's and Servlets for beginners.