Yue Shen

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since Apr 08, 2013
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Recent posts by Yue Shen

Hi guys

I am currently using glassfish 4.1 and JMS 2.0 for a project. I tried to inject JMSContext into a Servlet but it always returns null for context.

I even tried to specify the connection factory directly

I checked the Glassfish console and the above connection factory was created. Am I missing something?


Jeanne Boyarsky wrote:Someone posted sample questions here. The samples don't help much though - because as you noted, questions are about your solution. Also if you check my signature, I mention two types of questions in my blog post.

Also, epractizelabs sells part 2/3 sample questions. That doesn't apply to you since you have already done part 2.

Don't worry! If you did the assignment yourself, you already thought about the things that are in part 3 and will be fine.

Thanks!! that's very helpful, another question I have is, is there limit to the number of words I need to provide for each answer? like how many words do I have to provide at least?
Oracle will not evaluate Part 2 until you have completed Part 3. You can purchase Part 3 after finish the assignment. I have submitted my Part 2 assignment last month and is going to take Part 3 next week.
Hi guys

I am taking my part 3 next week, just wondering if there are any sample questions I can look at. I know it's not possible to get answer key to these question as they are based on my part 2 assignment, I just want to get an idea on what kind of questions will show up in the exam.

Thank you, that's very helpful.
hey guys.

I just handed in my part 2 assignment yesterday and is getting ready for part 3. Can anyone please give me a little insight of what the exam is like? is it just one essay topic regarding to your part 2 or is it multiple short answer questions? What kinda of topic and how many words would I be expecting? Is there any study material you would recommend?

Congratulation Purna

I just handed in my part 2 assignment yesterday and is getting ready for part 3. Can you please give me a little insight of what the exam is like? is it just one essay topic regarding to your part 2 or is it multiple short answer questions? What kinda of topic and how many words would I be expecting? Is there any study material you would recommend?
