Hi everyone,
This problem seems simply, just an issue with the ports, but I just cant get this work, here is what I'm trying to do:
I'm trying to install JTS (Jazz Team Server, Rational Team Concert) and CCM, so I download the zip and ran the server.startup.bat script, but it takes too long to deploy the admin.war, I left the console open for 1 day! and there's no new messages on the console, the log have the same info from the console, I tried on 3 different machines, 2 with win 7 and 1 with win server 2008, all with 8GB of memory and core i5, so, I don't think is a performance issue, then I realize that Tomcat is not starting, if I ran the startup.bat script under the bin folder I get this error:
The weird thing is that if I change the port on the server.xml I get the same error but now pointing to the new port, i.e. if I set this port 9995, I got this error:
Every time I change it it shows the new port on the error, after several configurations I'm still getting:
I check the 3 ports using the command netstat -aon | findstr xxxx, and all of them are used by java.exe but only when the Tomcat console is opened, after closing it and recheck the ports with the same command, the ports are free, I'm really confused, because if I change the ports I get the same error but now with the new ports.
can anybody help me with this?