Alex Orozco

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since Apr 12, 2013
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Recent posts by Alex Orozco

I tried using the and APIs but when the file is saved the format of the document is messed up (tags are placed in one line, attributes are alphabetically sorted, adds empty lines, removes end tags (<tag></tag> is replaced with <tag />)) all this changes might be ok but since the files are uploaded to Git, it will detect a lot of changes in the document instead of just the actual change. I'm also thinking in reading the file without parsing the DOM and then add the attribute there but I don't think that's the best solution.

And by the way, stupid reason = company policies....yeah, I know.
8 years ago

I have an HTML files in which I need to add some attributes to HTML tags using Java, but for some (stupid) reason I can't use a third-party libraries, so the question is, is there an official Java API to parse HTML files? if not, what other options do I have? I'm thinking in adding the attributes without paring the files but I'm guessing that may cause problems later.

8 years ago
Hi everybody,

I'm developing an Eclipse plugin in which I have a tree and a couple of buttons to add and remove items in the tree, and I need to create a folder structure as I'm adding items in the tree, i.e: Given this tree:

I need to create this folder structure automatically inside the project, one folder corresponding to each item in the tree:

In the same way, if I remove an item in the tree, the corresponding folder should be deleted as well.
The problem is that I don't have access to the plugin that is providing the editor to add/remove items in the tree so I'm not sure how to implement this function. Any ideas?

Hi Tim,

I'm not sure if we are on the same page (sorry, I'm new to JSF ), on the specification says that the old tag libs, for example:

were replaced by:

But it does not clarify if the new taglibs are used only for the new JSF 2.2 version or for all versions, for example, I'm not sure if this code is valid for an old JSF version i.e. JSF 2.0

10 years ago
Hi all,

In JSF 2.2 the Facelet Tag Libraries URI's changed from: to: so that means the new namespaces applies only for JSF 2.2 or they can or should be used in older versions like 2.0, 2.1 or 1.x?

10 years ago
Thanks for your answers,

I finally figured out what is happening, the problem is that I have a try/catch block surrounding the method calling, the method is throwing an exception, and in the catch block I was not printing the stack trace, that's why I though that the method was working fine, and since the method is failing the value is never updated.

Thanks again!
10 years ago

To check the value I'm debugging the app, there I can see that the value doesn't change on both cases. sorry if I can't provide more information about the method, it is on a jar, so I can't see what exactly is happening.

Matthew, sorry if I can't explain it well, English is not my first language, what I'm trying to say is if the variable is initialized to false, after calling the method, the variable remains false, and if the variable is initialized to true, after calling the method, the variable remains true, this behavior is weird to me, because on both calls it should return the same value.

10 years ago
Hi guys,

I'm new to Java and I have a problem with a method, I can't see the code of the method, I just have a jar, but it should return a boolean, something like this:

The problem is that the method seems that is returning nothing (band remain false), and if I initialize band to true:

band remain true, in other words, the value of band is never modified, the question is, how is this possible? because it should return the same value on both calls, true or false, no matter the initial value of the variable that is receiving the returning value of the method.

Any ideas why this could happen?
10 years ago
It's not through Installation Manager, I'm just running the server.startup.bat, I tough that only running this script I can configure a new Project Area via web admin console
10 years ago
Hi everyone,

This problem seems simply, just an issue with the ports, but I just cant get this work, here is what I'm trying to do:

I'm trying to install JTS (Jazz Team Server, Rational Team Concert) and CCM, so I download the zip and ran the server.startup.bat script, but it takes too long to deploy the admin.war, I left the console open for 1 day! and there's no new messages on the console, the log have the same info from the console, I tried on 3 different machines, 2 with win 7 and 1 with win server 2008, all with 8GB of memory and core i5, so, I don't think is a performance issue, then I realize that Tomcat is not starting, if I ran the startup.bat script under the bin folder I get this error:

The weird thing is that if I change the port on the server.xml I get the same error but now pointing to the new port, i.e. if I set this port 9995, I got this error:

Every time I change it it shows the new port on the error, after several configurations I'm still getting:

I check the 3 ports using the command netstat -aon | findstr xxxx, and all of them are used by java.exe but only when the Tomcat console is opened, after closing it and recheck the ports with the same command, the ports are free, I'm really confused, because if I change the ports I get the same error but now with the new ports.

can anybody help me with this?
10 years ago
Hi Steve,

I already solved the problem, I will post the code and describe it better for anyone that have the same problem, but I'm not in my laptop now.

11 years ago
I'm starting with CDI just as a hobby, I already know how to use the Injection and the Decorator classes but I'm stuck with the Producer methods and fields, I´m so desperate that I even browsed to page 4 on Google without a clear sample, I only get pieces of code and when I try to run it, it doesn't work properly.

Could you point me to a simple sample, or send me one you have, please.
11 years ago