Hi all,
Just now I have cleared this exam. Here is my experience and tips.
1) I got the lowest score in Web services Standards. I think it is becase, the questions are complicated than expected and I did not read enough material on this.
2) Security questions are not at all complex. But you need to understand the basics. MZ's notes should be enough.
3) Lots of questions are from Blue prints. It is a must read.
4) You need to be comfortable with JAXR API and SAAJ API.
5) Overall exam is not that complex, but lot of stuff to read.
6) I got about 5 drag and drop questions and no fill in questions.
7) MZ's notes is a very good resource. Thanks much MZ!
8) I lost 1 or 2 questions on Basic profile. One should read and understand it fully correctly answer all questions.
I don't have previous Web Services experience, but I am working in Java and J2EE environment for about 8 years. With this exam, I have completed all my five planned Sun certifications. ( SCJP, SCWCD, SCBCD, SCDJWS, SCEA ). Most probable next target is PMP certification.
I used MZ's notes, RMH, Blue prints, Whizlabs exams, Sun mock exams, MZ's quiz. All this is, I wanted to make sure that I pass this. Both Whizlabs and sun mock exams are good. Whizlabs final exam, I got 71%. Val is right, it is 10% harder than the actual exam. I got 70-75% in all the three Sun mock exams.
I am very thankful to MZ, and people who passed the exam and provided valuable feedback. I wish all the very best to rest of you willing to take the exam.