Ira Jain

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since Sep 06, 2000
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I am trying to pass a value containing a single quote like(O'Donell) from one JSP to another .The user is putting values like O'Donell in the JSP( which has a form). When the user submits the form ,the values are passed to another form .However , in the case of values like O'Donell ,only value O is passed .

Would really appreciate it if some body could help me as soon as possible.

Thanx in advance,

20 years ago
I have deployed my web application on iPlanet server but when I try to run any jsp it does not execute it.The machine seems to go in a hang mode.
I will really appreciate it if some one can help me to resolve this problem.

Thanx in advance
21 years ago
I was asked the following question in an interview and I am not sure what should be the right answer. The question was-
What is easy to manipulate ,element or attribute?
Will be obliged if somebody could help me.
Thanks guys !! You really cleared up the concept for me.
class string
public static void main(String[] args) {
String str1="str";
str1.concat("str1"); //Line 0
System.out.println(str1); // Line 1
System.out.println(str1.concat("str1"));//Line 2
Output -
Please explain me the output. I know that Strings are immutable and will create a new String at Line0 but wouldn't the same thing happen at Line2.
Will be really obliged if somebody could explain it.
Thanks in Advance,
Yeah,I meant this-
<%@ page import="example.bean.Employee" %>
Sorry for writing in vague manner.
I have got another query too-
Q - Can we assign values of JavaScript variables to JSPvariables ?If yes,could u please tell me how to do this.
Thanx in advance
23 years ago
I am trying to import a Java bean in Jsp(1.0)thru the following command -
@page import ="example.bean.Employee"
However,the Jsp complains that "Attribute page has no value".
Will be really obliged if somebody could help me .
Thanks in advance
23 years ago
Congratulations Gayatri on your success !!
And Best of Luck for Developer Certification.

I have a doubt about the following question.It was discussed in a previous forum. See here-
Well ,the question is
Q. one of the ways you can find information in the "javadoc" format API documentation is by package. Which of the following would you find in the java.awt.package page?
1) Links to all classes in the package.
2) A List of exceptions thrown by classes in the package.
3) The inheritance hierarchy for java.awt.
4) A link to the MenuItem class documentation.
IMO ,the answer ,should be 1,2,4 .However ,it is mentioned that 1 and 4 are right. will be really obliged if somebody could tell me the right answers.
Thanks in advance
I have a doubt related to above.I have a Javascript-HTML form where parts of it are made visible/invisible depending upon the button I click.I have to call a servlet on one of them to do some server-side processing. I am not sure how to do this .Will be really obliged if somebody could help me with it .
Thanx in advance
23 years ago
Could somebody list out the steps which have to be followed while compiling a servlet in IBMVisual Age?
Thanks in advance
23 years ago
Thanks a lot Tony for your advice.According to the book Enterprise Development with VisualAge for Java , you can use the notepad(also) to create the JSPs but I just can't find out where to store the JSPs created thru it.We don't have Websphere Studio so if you could give me some suggestions about how to create the JSPs thru notepad they would be CERTAINLY be welcome. I am going crazy trying to find out a way.
Any idea about how easy/difficult it is to develop servlets thru Visual Age's WebSpere Environment?
Thanks in advance
23 years ago
Please could somebody help in developing JSPs with the help of WebSphere Environment in Visual Age ??

Thanks in advance
23 years ago
You are right. As per the event delegation model which is used in Java 2 ,all listeners of a particular event are notified but the order in which they are notified may/may not be the same as the order in which they were added.

Hope it helps,

Congratulations Bill !!!