Ale Ras

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since Jun 07, 2013
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Thanks for the reply Rob,

I already tried to change the sorting icons by using the UIManager as you are suggesting in the past, but it never worked in our OutlineViews.
But I was able to make it work for JTables.
11 years ago
We are customizing look'n feel of our application where we are using OutlineView(OpenIDE) to display results.

We have already changed our background of the Outlineview, the foreground, fonts.. by overriding the method getTableCellRendererComponent() of the DefaultOutlineCellRenderer class.

Finally, I was also trying to modify the sorting(ascending/descending) icons from table headers but now I am not even sure if its possible to do that.

Can someone confirm if its actually possible to do that. And if yes, how? :}

11 years ago