rob harvey

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since Apr 05, 2002
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Recent posts by rob harvey

Hi - I may be missing something completely obvious here but is there a tag to output raw html in struts. My problem is I am driving all my text from message resources for internationalisation but some words need to be bold etc - at the moment I am having to output each paragraph in seperate parts with the text decoration tags around them. ideally id like the whole paragraph as one in the props file with tags around the words / phrases i want bold etc.

hope that makes sense?
18 years ago
I've answered this myself. If the class fails to initialise it is unusable.
18 years ago
Hi - if a java.lang.error is thrown from a static initializer will this mean the class is unusable thereafter as it hasn't loaded properly? I ask this as I am loading a dll in my initializer - when it is not on the path an unsatisfiedlinkerror is thrown. When I then go to call the native method it hangs without ever returning. When I catch the error in the static block however the native method call correctly throws its own unsatisfiedlinkerror and doesn't hang?
18 years ago
Hi - I have a try catch round my native method call to catch an UnsatisfiedLinkError if the library has not been put on the users path. To test this I leave the library off the path and the first attempt to call the method throws an unsatisfiedlinkerror - but when i try again (the method call is caused by swing button click) the exception is not thrown and the method never returns? any ideas?
18 years ago
yes I know how to handle exceptions - I just want to know if I can access a property of one of the ones thrown in the jsp - ie ive declared it in the struts config - its thrown - then in the jsp i forward to i want to access it.
18 years ago
does it not get stored automatically? i dont want to handle it in my action - it is declared in the config file and thrown from the service layer
18 years ago
how do you stop struts setting int fields to 0 if nothing has been entered in the field - i want nothing to mean null not 0
18 years ago
hi - with struts can I actaully access the exception that was thrown from the action in the jsp? ie I want to access one of the exceptions fields to retrieve some information to display to the user.
18 years ago
worked great cheers
Hi - I need to load a system dtd and set it as the entity resolver for a xerces DOM parser. i need to store the dtd in WEB-INF directory and read it in from the servlet - how is this possible? Fileinputstream seems to only want to read from the local filesystem not the web context?
Hi - has anyone actually used paypal though - ie ipn and mass payments???
18 years ago
do you have any more information?
18 years ago
has anyone integrated mass payments or IPN with java and struts yet?
18 years ago
Hi - I need to access my struts message resouces from a SimpleTage Support tag handler - is this possible?
18 years ago
Hi - am am developing a struts project on tomcat 5.5 and need to receive xml files from a provider. I have a choice of either receiving them via ftp or http post.
Ive thought about both options and was thinking if ftp is used i could have a thread polling the server to see if any xml docs have arrived and then load the data into the DB. If I receive an http post I could have a dedicated servlet receiving the data and saving to the DB.
Does anyone have any adivce on this - i.e. the pros and cons of each strategy? Would this be a case for me to set up a web service for the http post to recieve the data?
Its a very tight deadline so simple is best.
18 years ago