Saurav Suman

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since Jul 02, 2013
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Recent posts by Saurav Suman

HI everyone,
when i click on heperlink(link), i want to display the record from mysql in php, please help me, i am leaner
10 years ago
i want to call page on form action, if anybody fill the form then on submit time run the two page, for different work,
so, if anybody know then help me
10 years ago
servlet page for database connectivity can be run on web server or not ?
if anyone know then tell me, while i am using servlet page then getting a black page. please help me,
10 years ago
then can i get the any uniqueness of client system ?
10 years ago
How can i get the client system mac address from jsp.
If anybody know then help me. Very very thanks in advance
10 years ago
how to run jsp page for webpage
after uploading jsp page on server i am getting total code not as a webpage
so, if anybody know then help.....
10 years ago
can i call the applet page on button click in jsp
if anybody know then tell me
i want to write a code for application to start on windows startup
if anybody know then help me, i am a leaner
10 years ago
can i create the code for start the program at window startup

if anybody can help me then help me buddy i am leaner
10 years ago
no, i want to create mainfest & jar file from notepad.... so please help me
10 years ago
i want to develop a software in java technology, but target system must have jdk to run that software.....
is there another way,,, without installing jdk... java exe file would be ready to run
10 years ago
How can i create a .mainfest file

i am a leaner please help me
10 years ago
anybody can help me...
i need a source code for defragment scheduling on system startup

please help me
10 years ago

Maneesh Godbole wrote:

Saurav Suman wrote:is it helpful to make executable file in java swing

You cannot "make executable file" in java swing. Like I mentioned before exe files will tie you down to the windows platform. Since Java is platform independent, the recommended approach is self executable jar files which you mentioned you already have. Just like any "exe", this jar can be double clicked to bring up the application (provided JRE is installed)

Frankly speaking, what you are posting here is a bit confusing for me. What exactly is the problem you are trying to solve here?

i want to make setup file like as any software(jdk setup, vlc media player), which can be run any system copy a setup file(one file), and can run in own system.
Basically like as any software/tools setup file(in .exe format)
10 years ago
please help me i am a leaner
i can make executable file (.exe) in java swing or not ?

my program is running through single click on .bat file, but i want to make a .exe file all in one , so if anyone know about it then help me please, all the code are developed in java swing and awt
10 years ago