Allan Allanm

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since Jul 16, 2013
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We have a configuration where the web server is Apache and JSP is served by Tomcat.
Apache used to forward JSP requests to Tomcat via mod_jk / ajp13 connector.
It was all working fine when both Apache and Tomcat were executing as "root"

Due to some security considerations APache / Tomcat now executes as non root.
Now all of a sudden the configuration does not work.
JSP pages are displayed as plain code .

I could figure out that APache and Tomcat are both running correctly.ok
Apache is showing the static html pages.
No specific error messages in the log files either.
But for some reason apache is not communcating with Tomcat.

What could be the issue? Or any pointers on how to investigate what is wrong?

Thanks in advance
11 years ago