Hello folks,
I need to develop an application in Java which should be a kind of DSP workbench. The application should:
Allow to select a media file (wav)Open the file and show a chart of the samples in the time domain (one chart for each channel if there are more than one)Calculate the FFTDisplay a chart of the frequency domain
Enough for now. Now the problem: which solution should I choose for developing the user interface? I read a lot of articles and the situation looks quite confused.
What I tried so far:
JavaFx: I would avoid it since it's not sure it will be maintainedSwing: could be ok, but it has ugly components rendering (windows, fonts,...) and looks like (let me say) old style
Please, note Java is not a strong constraint, I could use Javascript too, which has tons of nice gui frameworks, but I'm not sure this language fits the computation requirements of such an application.
I think it could be possible to develop the program as web application, but...how to deal with local files?
I hope my problem is clear, and someone could point me in a good direction.