xiao li

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since Apr 09, 2002
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Recent posts by xiao li

Hi Lavanya,
I tried your suggestions, add KeyListener to the comboBox's container, and add one more variable m_ProcessKey. and this is my added code:
* Handle the key pressed event
public void keyPressed(KeyEvent e)
if(!m_ProcessKey && e.getKeyCode()==18)//ALT=18
m_ProcessKey = true;
* Handle the key released event
public void keyReleased(KeyEvent e)
if(m_ProcessKey && e.getKeyCode()==18)//ALT=18
m_ProcessKey = false;

* Handle the key typed event
public void keyTyped(KeyEvent e)
if(e.getKeyChar()=='m') // my mnemonic key is M
It works! Thanks a lot.
22 years ago
Hi Swing Gurus,
I need to show the labels with its mnemonic key in a scollPane. but it does not work(neither label nor mnemonic key is shown up).
here is my sample code:
import javax.swing.*;
import java.awt.*;
import java.util.*;
class MnemonicTest extends JDialog
JLabel label1 = new JLabel("A");
JLabel label2 = new JLabel("B");
JLabel label3 = new JLabel("C");
Vector vector = new Vector();
JList list;
JScrollPane scrollpane;

public MnemonicTest ()
list = new JList(vector);
scrollpane= new JScrollPane(list);
setSize(400, 100);
getContentPane().setLayout(new BorderLayout());
getContentPane().add(BorderLayout.CENTER, scrollpane);
public static void main(String ag[])
MnemonicTest mt = new MnemonicTest ();
Thanks in advance!!
22 years ago
Hi Swing Gurus,
I need to show the labels with its mnemonic key in a scollPane. but it does not work(neither label nor mnemonic key is shown up).
here is my sample code:
import javax.swing.*;
import java.awt.*;
import java.util.*;
class MnemonicTest extends JDialog
JLabel label1 = new JLabel("A");
JLabel label2 = new JLabel("B");
JLabel label3 = new JLabel("C");
Vector vector = new Vector();
JList list;
JScrollPane scrollpane;

public MnemonicTest ()
list = new JList(vector);
scrollpane= new JScrollPane(list);
setSize(400, 100);
getContentPane().setLayout(new BorderLayout());
getContentPane().add(BorderLayout.CENTER, scrollpane);
public static void main(String ag[])
MnemonicTest mt = new MnemonicTest ();
Thanks in advance!!
22 years ago
Hi Swing Gurus,
I have set a label for a comboBox, and the label has it mnemonic key setup. When I use Alt+mnemonic key of the label, I want to see the focus move to the comboBox and the list box should drop. (right now the list can drop only when the mouse is pointing the comboBox)
Thansk a lot.
22 years ago
Thanks Dave, I will try it over there.
22 years ago
Thanks Dave, that's what I want.
By the way, do you know is there any easy way for doing the following?
when user press Alt+ a mnemonic key in a label(the label is set for a comboBox), the focus should move to the comboBox and the list shoould drop, and the first item should be highlighted.
Thanks, always.
22 years ago
I can only find the latest java1.3 source code,
can anyone tell me where is the sdk1.4 source code located?
Thanks a lot.
22 years ago
Hi Guru,
could you tell me where can i download java1.4 source code? thanks a lot!
22 years ago
Thanks Cindy, you are my saver.
22 years ago
I need to set mnemonic key for the title of the
tabbedpane, so user can use ALT+mnemonicKey to access different tabbedPane directly.
Thanks a lot!!!
22 years ago
Thanks, but I need to set specific letter to access the title of the tabbedPane not the button.
waiting for your help......
22 years ago
How can I set a mnemonic key for a tabbedPane?
So the user can use ALT+key to tab to the different tabbedPane?
Thanks a lot.
22 years ago
Does anyone have the experience to set the mnemonic key for the tabbedPane? So the user can use the ALT+keyDefined to tabbed to the different panes?

Thanks a million!!
22 years ago