Tony Yan

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since Apr 10, 2002
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Recent posts by Tony Yan

Pretty much found this problem, semi-incidentally. We have Wily monitoring system on the server, it must have an older version of xerces in its classpath that doesn't have a util class in xerces that only exists after 2.8. We deployed to another managed server w/o Wily. Problem went away. End of 4 days of stupid tail spin.

15 years ago
Hi, All:

I have had this problem for three days or more, a major block in my app. I have an ear file with three war files. Two are webservices modules, and one regular web app module. The ear file works fine on weblogic Admin Server, both on Windows and Solaris. But, when I deploy it (the same ear) to a managed server or a single managed server in a cluster, it has following NoClassDefFoundError. Stacktrace shown here. We have a Duration type in our XSD, that's why we need this DurationImpl. Searching thru the net, it seems that the managed server and adminserver of Weblogic 10 are a bit different in terms of classpath. I have tried many options in weblogic.xml weblogic-application.xml etc. No luck. I feel the best method to solve this is first to find out what's the difference between managed and the admin server. Of course, any work around is certainly good.



15 years ago
Hi, It's been a long time. Would like to ask this question, hope this is the right forum. The question is about PDF or FDF Toolkit. We are trying to see if we can fill a fillable PDF form and post to the backend. Looks like the technology is there, except the best way to diasect the posted fields is to use FDF toolkit.

Has anyone used this technoglogy? I would like to have your opinions on it. I am requesting the FDF toolkit from adobe, but it has taken several days alreay, no luck. It is kinda of strange to me.

PS: just found out that they need 1-2 weeks to respond to a request. So got answer on that one.

[ February 13, 2006: Message edited by: Tony Yan ]
[ February 13, 2006: Message edited by: Tony Yan ]
Make sure you are not feeding java to him.

Seriously, check coffee, tea sources if breastfed.

20 years ago
Putting cached DataSource in a collection is a good practice. However, you may want to consider to synchronize the HashMap or use Hashtable instead. In a multi-threaded env., you can get into problems otherwise.
You probably want to do it in a Filter so that you don't have to change much code in all Actions.
20 years ago
XSLT should complement Struts. I don't think it is wise to use XSLT only. In my opinion, for cases that you need to change a lot of presentations out of the same data, XSLT is very helpful. I found this is especially true for reports. You can choose different stylesheets on the fly. It is very convenient to add/change stylesheets. If the presentation is quite stable and relatively simple, such as simple forms, a typical HMTL page, JSP is sufficient, fast and good.

XSLT transformation is expensive in memory and speed. You have to generate data in XML format before spending mem/cpu on the transform. SAX is faster parsing XML but still uses a lot of memory than JSP for the same job.

Hope it helps.
20 years ago
Anyone knows a good jar GUI tool that can be used to jar/unjar files? Thanks.
20 years ago
Legitimate companies will pay for the expenses incurred thruout the whole process. This is usually handled by HR people and the decision makers (supervisor/manager) won't even care about it unless you ask them (which i don't recommend). You shouldn't worry about this or mention it to them. After the interview process is done, regardless of the outcome, you can ask for procedures for reimbursement from the HR people if you have paid in front out of your pocket.
Good luck!
20 years ago
if you do Q & D, make a .CSV file out of the XML using XSLT or whatever app. EXCEL can read .csv file.
"field1", "field2", ...
"field1a", "field2a", ...
It is a well written article. I have one question about it since I am not too familar with MDB. It is nice to keep on polling the queue to see if the long query has finished for one request. But if there are 10, 100 or more users are doing the same long database query, and there will be equal number of requests lined up in the shared Message queue. In that case, I guess that performance will be really, really bad. So instead of being timed out on browser request, user can experience the data back 10, 100 times slower? Just a little confused on this. The author mentioned something like perfomance/scalability trade-off, is this about the same issue?
20 years ago
Even though I speak Chinese, my technical vocabulary set is in English 99%. Therefore, I have great difficulty communicating with Developers if they talk the business in Chinese. For example, even if you know "Singleton" inside out, you won't know what a developer is talking about if she says it in Chinese.
Of course, I think in general programmers worldwide know technical English much better than other professions for an obvious reason. Afterall, you can't code in Chinese, can you? In that sense, you can just learn every day Chinese but keep on talking technical terms in English. You will do just fine. Sometimes, people there would like to talk to you in English.
If you can't understand them, train them to understand you.
20 years ago
I think the warfile attribute is old and that's why Ant thinks you have web.xml and manifest not in attribute (they are in your existing war file).
From Ant manual:
"warfile" Deprecated name of the file to create, use destfile instead.
20 years ago