Rama Ituarte

Ranch Hand
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since Apr 10, 2002
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Recent posts by Rama Ituarte

Well, maybe have a basic framework for, let say IRA, retirement, financial planning, etc. Some thing that would give you a nice interface for all of these things and also have the ability to get external information that is needed to make the calculations up to date. I could probably write all of this, but if this has been done then all the better.

18 years ago
Anybody know of a Java financial API ?
18 years ago
I had about the same amount of questions on custom tags. It's really my fault for doing so bad in this sections I briefly read over the section in the book and had never implement one before. I am really more of a back end business developer.
I seriously started studying about two months ago mainly after work for about two hours four time a week. I used Head First and looked over the specs briefly. The exam is broken up pretty evenly across all objectives. The one section that I hade the most problem with was custom tags. I only implemented the simple tag examples in the book not the classic. So if anything I would recommend doing both.

When I took the mock exam on the book I scored a 57%.

Well I hope this info helps.

Rama Ituarte
I want to thank Javaranch for being part of my certification experience! I was more of a listener than a participant for this certification. Thanks to all that posted and replied to questions.

Rama Ituarte

I think that the container is not smart enough to determine if the resource is an active one or passive it just follows what you specify in the <FORM method=�attribute�>. I believe that everything defaults to a GET unless you specify differently.
Thanks for the reply. I was not able to take the Web Services certification. The current project that I am working on has turn a bit sour and we have been here at D.C for the last two weeks trying to get it back on the right track. If you don�t mind me asking can you tell me some of the names of the software firms that are currently hiring over there? You can email me at [email protected]. If you can't I can understand.


Rama Ituarte
I am originally from MX city but have been in the states for well over 20yrs. Anyways I am taking the certification but not in MX. I was just curious how is the Java community in MX this days? Is there a demand for Java programmers?


Ok, I figured it out. If anybody has the same question here is the answer.
First you need to install WinCVS because Ant cannot connect to CVS directly. Place the cvs.exe on you system PATH variable. That is about it.
Run the following ant script to test out
<project default="CVS">
<target name="CVS">
<cvspass cvsroot=" server:yourusername@yourCVSserverIPAddress:/your/cvsroot" password="yourpassword" />
<cvs command="-version"/>
20 years ago
Alright brothers
I need some help with Ant and CVS. Can anybody tell me how to connect to a CVS server via Ant.
I would greatly appreciate it.
20 years ago
Also CLDC 1.1 supports Floating point numbers.
I think it would be great to extend the date. I will be traveling that week and will have to take it tomorrow. Man, I am telling you its been hard trying to cram everything in, in just two and a half weeks.
How did you prepare for the exam? And how much experience do you have with j2me?
I got the same email, but the next day I got my voucher . I sent for it on the 4th of this month.
I like your plan of action.
How much experience do you have with J2ME?