Thirumalesh yeligar

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since Sep 02, 2013
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Recent posts by Thirumalesh yeligar

ya i got it through soap response(soap client)
9 years ago
HI, how to extract PpsrCollateralRegistrationSearchOrdinalSearchValidationFaultDetail class from the following xml file in java, thank you

9 years ago
Hi,william i already got response in html through SOAP UI it is telling "The Web Server may be down, too busy, or experiencing other problems preventing it from responding to requests. You may wish to try again at a later time." what is the soloution should i increase the request time or what? Thanks...
9 years ago
i'm sending soap request but i'm getting html response it is leading to crash! how to parse html response?
9 years ago
nested exception is org.hibernate.MappingException: Unknown entity: com.ignite.domain.SearchCertificateNo.... please give me soloution for this?
how to get errormessage from this XML please Help me..

10 years ago
How to retrieve the content of soap fault which contain Qname as its parent?
10 years ago
Thanks I got it...
10 years ago
i'm passing some data from controller to jsp page.. when i click on submit button in jsp page.. that data should be able to get in other controller how can i do this? please Help me.. Thank You
10 years ago
How to get the value of selected radio buttion in javascript? my radio button code is:<input type="radio" id="e1" name="event1" value="START_TIME" />Start Time <br/>

<input type="radio" id="e1" name="event1" value="END_TIME" />End Time <br/>

<input type="radio" id="e1" name="event1" value="CHANGE_NUMBER" />Change Number <br/>
i'm getting "Request processing failed; nested exception is com.sun.xml.messaging.saaj.SOAPExceptionImpl: com.sun.xml.messaging.saaj.SOAPExceptionImpl: Message send failed" what is the reason for it?

Thank you
10 years ago
10 years ago
i'm getting "Request processing failed; nested exception is com.sun.xml.messaging.saaj.SOAPExceptionImpl: com.sun.xml.messaging.saaj.SOAPExceptionImpl: Message send failed" what is the reason for it?

Thank you
10 years ago
acutally we have to select 2 radio buttons thats why i created 2 forms