Bijan Mohanty

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Recent posts by Bijan Mohanty

Hi friends,

I am looking for the softcopy of SCJP1.4 logo for putting in the resume. Any help on that regard will be appreciated.


Hi friends,
I need to put the SCEA logo in my resume and looking for the image file. Eventhough it was available last year over the internet, I don't seem to find that now. I was wondering if anybody has the image or knows the location, please let me know.
I'll appreciate any help on this.
It really depends upon the architecture of the application. If you are having a Webapp and planning to deploy your web tier as well as the business tier on the same server, it'll be better to use HttpSession. If you want to have the business tier deployed on a separate app server than the web tier, it probably makes sense to have a stateful session bean.
Using a Stateful session bean adds complexity since you need to store the handle of that in the HttpSession. In a clustered application now you need to worry about the in-memory replication of both the HttpSession as well as Stateful session bean in case of failover. Usually most of the app servers handle that for you though.
My .02 cents.
Hi Franky,
What I meant was I didn't draw all the J2EE component classes in my class diagram. However, I showed a few Controller classes(EJBs), in the class diagram and their relationships with the domain classes as stereotypes. The stereotypes could be <<uses>>, <<manages>> etc.This just makes things a little clear that how and who will use these domain classes.
Hope this helps.
Hi Ramesh,
How are you ? Eventhough I passed partI in May2002, I could only finish the assignment in Oct2003 because of work and family stuff. The ones I focussed are :
1. Keep the architecture simple but consistent.
2. Focus on the ilities and mention why your proposed architecture is best suited for this system
3. Thoroughly go through the Petstore and Adventure builder website docs(
4. Keep the class diagram clean with domain classes only. NO architectural components like EJB etc. Thoroughly verify that you haven't missed any class that misses some use case stuff. I used stereotypes heavily in the diagrams that made the picture clear.
Hope this helps.
Hi Dhiren,
I had exactly the same kind of feeling about the weirdness in the BDM. I took some liberty in making slight changes to the BDM while creating the Class diagram and mentioned that in the assumptions.
I kept the Class diagram clean with the domain objects only but used mixed objects(both domain and other architecture components) in both Sequence and Component diagrams.
I made only ONE class diagram and ONE component diagram but 6/7 seqence digrams. The extra diagrams are for depicting some alternate flows and some common stuff.
I kept the architecture pretty simple although used things like JMS, MDB (EJB 2.0 stuff) and Webservices. As far as WAF is concerned, I used a simplified version of Petstore WAF architecture.
Hope this helps.
Hi friends,
I submitted my PartII assignment in early NOV and appeard the Part III on Nov 5. Since I was out of country and out of Internet, I could check my score only today. I passed the exam on Nov 30th with 100%.
I would like to thank everybody on this JavaRanch forum for their useful comments which helped me a lot in preparing the assignment. I tried to keep the architecture of the assignment simple and flawless, focussed more on the ilities of the system and the heavy use of design patterns.

Hi guys,
I passed partI last year May and downloaded the assignment in a few days. Because of work and family commitments, I could finish it now. When I tried to upload the assignment, it says "You have no rights to upload the assignment" and suggests me to send a mail to SunCert. I did that and waiting for their reply. I am wondering if there is any time line for the download and upload of the assignments. I know people have downloaded assignemnts after 18 months of passing PartI and submitted successfully. Since I downloaded 17 months ago and uploading it now, is it a problem ?
Does any body have any experience ?
Thanks a bunch in advance.
Hi friends,
I was thinking about the level of granularity I should go in my component diagram. Should I show all the JSPs and the dependency between with the filter and servlet, or show just a JSP Subsystem and the one dependency with the filter and servlet. Also, should I show all the RequestHandlers(HTMLActions) related to the domain in my component diagram or just one abstract high level component called RequestHandler and call business tier facade from that.
All inputs are welcome.
Hi Nalla,
Thanks a lot for the info. This helps.
Hi folks,
While doing my component diagram, I just realized that I haven't shown the return objects(for example the object that returns from an EJB) in my component diagram. Although I created components like DTOs for the DAOs that return results. There are places, where the component(EJB etc) takes some input object and does some calculation and either populate some attribute and return the object or return another object with the calculated result. In this situation, I haven't shown any thing in my component diagram. Please tell me if it's required and anybody has shown in their component diagram. If yes, how ? Cade's case study doesn't seem to show anything.
All opinions are welcome.
Hi friends,
In my component diagram I have shown the dependency(dotted arrows) between components of JSP to frontController to all the components for processing the request and then from frontController to a component that selects the next screen. That component selects the next screen and the forwards to it. Do you guys show the dependency between that component and the JSP that gets forwarded to ?
Hi Billy,
Yes I am using intercepting filter for authentication and using the View helper as I am using a form of MVC2 which is slight modification of Struts.
I am thinking of NOT using Stateful although planning to use Entity beans. I am yet to decide between an Aggregate Entity or bunch of CMP beans with CMR with a SessionFacade.
Hi friends,
Since I have used CMP with CMR and EJB-QL and MDB etc in my design, now I am wondering if it's appropriate for this assignment. Will SUN consider EJB2.0 stuff to be included in this assignment ???
Folks those who have passed, please shed some light on this spec issue.
Hi Billy,
I have a WebTier and a BusinessTier ServiceLocator. I have been trying to use the BusinessTier serviceLocator for accessing the EJBs and JMS destination in the BusinessTier. This all kinda making it really cluttered. I am thinking of dropping of the links and mention that the EJB to EJB communication will be through BusinessTier ServiceLocator in my document.
What do you think of that ??
[ September 02, 2003: Message edited by: Bijan Mohanty ]