gyank kannur

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since Oct 23, 2013
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Recent posts by gyank kannur

My understanding is cucumber as a BDD tool fits into an automation testing engineer whereas DevOps is more towards Continous Delivery model. So my question is should a DevOps engineer write cucumber junits or only mock tests?
8 years ago
Thanks Tim. Infact its not docker but Ansible which can be compared against BladeLogic.
8 years ago
I guess this should be moved to the Threads forum!
8 years ago
Why do you want to do such a thing?? The best option is to use a client like toad or workbench for ddl operations. Remember, never write something in UI which directly connects to db!
8 years ago
So the docker hub repositories are centrally located just like aws. So all my company confidential data would need to reside outside. Am I right? So security is a big concern!!
8 years ago
I am wondering if organisations have their own private docker hub, something like nexus for docker repository. My understanding is Jenkins builds the war and pushes it to the repo for docker to pull it. Am I right?
8 years ago
I know BMC's Bladelogic(BL) is used to move software packages (like war, ear) from staging to production servers. I am wondering if Docker can be used to replace BL. The reason I ask is, I am proficient in BL and trying to compare it with Docker.
8 years ago
This framework design seems a bit incorrect. Instead of pushing the failed messages to the queue, you could rather send all the failed messages to a temporary storage like a temp table. Once the main activity completes, you can process the failed ones.
Looks feasible to me, I will give it a try.

Strategy pattern defines a family of algorithm. jaxb is one such algorith which converts xml to object data.
I was asked how strategy pattern could be used to convert data from xml to jaxb. I am not sure if the question was right
Even before I could start thinking and putting in code, I wanted to know if this is feasbile pattern or if i misunderstood the question
If you are using maven to build your project, make sure to check your M2 repositories for the cxf jars.
8 years ago
Guessing, the problem is with your declaration
try changing private Map<String, DefaultMessageListenerContainer> tvrrmQueueProcessors to private Map<String, DefaultMessageListenerContainer> tvrrmImportQueueProcessor
8 years ago
Perhaps this link might be helpful spring-ws
8 years ago