It is like this.Normally before you start trading in the stock market you are advised to learn all the tricks of the trade by reading books,attending seminars,listening to experienced people and then when once you gain some qualifications in stock trading you gain confidence to leap headlong into the world of bulls and bears. However, there are plenty of stock traders out there who are making millions in the market and they never did any of the above.If you ask them how they do it they just smile at you!
Inspite of this experience if they take an exam on stock trading most of them will fail miserably.
It is a tradition in programming that you first learn the language rules aka JLS and then understand how a compiler compiles the lines of code you have written. SCJP tests just this aspect.Once you master this,so they say by giving you a certificate,you can enter into the exciting world of programming fully confident.
In your case you are the million dollar stock trader. Why do you have to bother about gaining a certification in stock trading?