vasu devan

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since Apr 18, 2002
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Recent posts by vasu devan

Hi All,
Inorder to protect my code from getting decompiled I was using the one of the obfuscator.
But the architeture is my Java program is called inside the JSP. Since my class file is already changed by obfuscating it, I am getting the error in the JSP that the method in that class can not be resolved.
Can any one help me in solving this.
Thanks in Advance,
21 years ago
Hi All,
I am in the process of learning weblogic 6.1, can anyone suggest me the complete deployment steps for the EJB (Including creating the EJB jar file), or do suggest me some URL where I can get this information.
Thanks in Advance,
22 years ago
Paul Keohan,
You can try setting the classpath in the console.
Use the following command and execute that twice if need be. Because in java some times the classpath is not setting properly.

set classpath=.;c:\APP_FILES\app_1.1.2\lib\mon.jar;%classpath%

I think this will work.
22 years ago
Hi saager mhatre,
Thank you very much, it works.
22 years ago
Hi All,
I am having a java program as a back end process, which will poll the table continuously, and picks up the record as soon as it falls in the table and process it.
Now that when the Oracle conectivity is disturbed, either the oracle goes down or due to some network problem, then it will not pick up any more record even when the Oracle problem is rectified unless I re-start my process.
My requirement is that once the oracle problem is corrected then my process should function asusal with out any manual intervention.
For this in the catch block I am checking the connection object and if it is null, I am trying to establishes the connection, till I get the value in the connection object. This is correct only at the time of starting up the process, the Oracle is down. Suppose after starting up the process if the Oracle goes down then that case also I am having values in the connection object, so I cannot check the above condition, and also I can not blindly establishes connection in the catch block, because the Exception could be of some other reason also. In that case how do I solve this problem.
Please help me out to resolve the above issue and it is urgent too.
Thanks in advance
22 years ago
Hi All,
Can any one suggest me the process involed or the steps to follow to ensure two way authentication when going for secured communication.
22 years ago
Hi All,
As I need to have a servlet based communication between two weblogic servers, both the servlets can send and receive messages as post content. Prior to having any kind of msg transfer, I need to have the web servers authenticate each other using certs. I need help on
Can any one help me on this.
22 years ago
Hi All,
Does any one has the idea on 'jviews' which I came to know from the site
As I am planning to develop a component similar to that of what they have, so can any one share with me the information on the jviews if your femiliar with that. Any information is of great use to me.
Thanks in advance,
22 years ago
Hi Aleks,
Thanks for the reply. As I am not allowed to use the database and at the same time if I keep the value in the file then I need to take other precaution that when one process reading the file I should not allow the other process to access the file till I increment the value in the file.
Is there any way to do that, or can you suggest me some other option.
Thanks in Advance,
22 years ago
Hi All,
I am having a servlet page, in that I need to generate the number in sequence and again which needs to be unique. This number is like order number and I do not want them to be duplicated. Can any one suggest me how to proceed or Is there any site that has the help for this(like web counter).
Looking forward for the reply.
22 years ago
Hi All,
I am trying to solve the file path problem. As I have MyFile.txt and which has all the information needed for my servlet, so in order to process the data, my servlet should take the information from the MyFile.txt, in this case where do I mentioned the path of the MyFile.txt, as mentioned I have already given the path of the file in the in CLASSPATH and as well as in the PATH.
Looking forward for the solution.
22 years ago
Hi All,
As I need to read from the configuration file in my servlet, I had given the path of the configuration file with name in the But still my servelt is not in postion to locate the file and it is throwing IOException.
Can any one help me out to solve this.
22 years ago
Hi Rene Larsen,
Thanks for your reply. I could read the total content in the file. But I want to read only the status which is in the middle of the file.
As we do selected reading using the command,

`cat $Filename | grep status | cut -d"=" -f2`

is not working in java.

At present I am putting the above command in a shell script and executing that in java.
Is there a way where I can directly use this command java.
22 years ago
Hi All,
I would like to know how to use the Unix grep command in java. So that I grep for the particular text in the configuration file and use it in my program.
The general grep command would be

cat FileName | grep Status

By using the above command I can pick out the status from the specified file. I need to use this in my java program so that I get the status in run time. Can anyone help me out in solving this.

Thanks in Advance,
22 years ago
Hi David O'Meara,
As you suggested I tried keeping the myFile.txt in WEB-INF/classes dir. But stil my servlet is not in position to resolve the particular file.
Moreover as a project requirement, the file can be in any directory,in that case where do I mentioned the path, so that my servlet opens the file and read the content.
Can any one help me in resolving the above issue.
22 years ago