Keith Smith

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since Apr 18, 2002
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I am looking for some detailed documentation on Soap Arrays. What they are all about etc. etc.
Any pointers?
22 years ago
Once you declare a method to be static all other methods of that class that you start accessing from the first static method need to be static.. SO you're heading towards a bad design.
I would say unless it is your top level class avoid it.
22 years ago
there are tools from HP that would help you in this.
I've used:
22 years ago
Thats exactly what I'm talking about. The spec says that two operations within the same PortType can have same name. I'm looking for a valid WSDL describing exactly this scenario.
22 years ago
Are you sure? Meaning I can't using Java2WSDL or something similar use a java class with overloaded methods to generate a WSDL wherein i have overloaded operations? I thought this was supported by the spec.
22 years ago
Hi. I'm looking for a Valid WSDL with overloaded Operations. Can you direct me to one?
22 years ago