achit bhatnager

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since Apr 19, 2002
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Recent posts by achit bhatnager

Originally posted by R K Singh:

theh moment you die, nothing belongs to you ..

How do you know?
19 years ago
How is the new version(color print) of 'Mugal-E-Azam'?
I have seen this movie countless time but I can watch one more time just for the pleasure of watching Madhubala in color.
20 years ago

Originally posted by Rita Moore:

Ghazals are not only in India!!! India has long history before it became india. Ghasals are spread through almost all Central Asia.
One thing I admit, India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Nepal... hold on to traditions stronger than many other countries in Asia.

And Russian speaking doesn't mean he/she is actually russian or even have been to Russia ever. Russian speaking nowadays means usually that the person was born in one of USSR countries. All those counries have their own language and culture, some of those cultures are much closer to indian than to russian.

By the way, in Russian, Ghazal is called "Gazel'" - which is also animal, but I'm pretty sure some russians (who were born and raised in Russia)have heard of them.

I was only aware of ghazal in Hindustani traditon only. There are fixed rules for refrain,meter and rhyme in Ghazal (urdu/hindi). Are there similar rules for other languages?
20 years ago

Originally posted by Rita Moore:

Yes, it is his mother tongue, I believe he is from Gujrat. Even urdu speakers can tell which words Hindi speaker will understand which not.
Not that he couldn't understand anything, but he had to ask a words translation every min or two. With songs (especially gazals) it's worse for some reason.

A ghazal loving Russian!!! great!!
20 years ago

Originally posted by Prakash Dwivedi:

He might be Hindi Speaker, but is Hindi his mother tongue? I live in India and i have never met any person whose mother tongue is Hindi and can't understand urdu movies / plays.

A native Hindi speaker will understand movie/play in Urdu (there is visual context for dialogue ) but poetry/Ghazal is a different ball game. Most of earlier poetry (India) in urdu was Persian /Arabic infuenced. Now a days most of the indian ghazals are in Hindustani not Urdu.

Urdu poetry in Roman Script
Hindi Literature in Devnagri Script
20 years ago
It shows in the search but clicking on it brings
'Legal Music Downloads'Legal Music Download
Mods I belive my post was not political!!!
20 years ago

Originally posted by Rita Moore:

How many hindi letters in VEERANJANEYULU?
I'm not picking on you, just curious...

VEERANJANEYULU is not a hindi name!!!
Sounds like telagu.
20 years ago
A6 is a cool car but a little too pricy for me...
so I bought an A4 last month

[ October 25, 2004: Message edited by: achit bhatnager ]
[ October 25, 2004: Message edited by: achit bhatnager ]
20 years ago
She used to live next door. I was 6 she was 4 when I first saw her.
For few years she was just another 'girl' then she hit 16 and was the only girl. There were few sparks here and there. I moved to another town for college. We lost track.
Saw her again last year in Chicago.... she is married!!
20 years ago
3. The Breakfast Club
20 years ago
I think it was Mir Publications Moscow, which used to print Hindi translations of Russian books. I still has some of those books back in India. All the stories used to have funny names ( 13 Ivans, Rolling Sweat Pea... Names Translated from memory)
I even bought a book on Russian high school mathematics (when I was in high school). Man it was tough...
When I was preparing for my Engineering. Entrance test...there were Pinsky and Irodove (Nightmare)
20 years ago
When the Software industry had badly gone down, three giants Sun,
and Microsoft started producing condoms and named them Java-condo,
, and MS-Condom respectively. A customer using Java-condo complained to
that the condom doesn't fit correctly.

Sun replied: "Wait till we get the ISO standard".

They boasted that it will fit to any size irrespective of underlying

Well, the customer switched to CondomiX and found that by the time he
finishes reading the instructions, given along with CondomiX, his wife
sleeping and he himself
forgetting why he is using CondomiX.

Finally he switched to MS-Condom.

To his surprise it was so good...and comfortable!. He used it happily.

Three months later he found that his wife was pregnant. He got angry and
complained to Microsoft.

He got his reply from Microsoft:
. What do u think is Microsoft's reply...........???
. think................
20 years ago
Speed of light may have changed recently

The speed of light, one of the most sacrosanct of the universal physical constants, may have been lower as recently as two billion years ago - and not in some far corner of the universe, but right here on Earth.
Throughout the debate, physicists who argued against any change in alpha have had one set of data to fall back on. It comes from the world's only known natural nuclear reactor, found at Oklo in Gabon, West Africa.

20 years ago
Since 1946, this company has been a leading food brand. Its ad campaign is as famous as it is and
is set to enter the Guinness Book of World Records as the longest running ad campaign.
The company's name means 'priceless'. Name the company.
a) Del Monte
b) Nestle
c) Amul

The correct answer is.... (highlight the text below to see the answer)
Amul means 'priceless' in Sanskrit. The brand name 'Amul,' from the Sanskrit 'Amoolya,' was suggested
by a quality control expert in Anand. Amul products have been in use in millions of homes since 1946.
In 1967the first Utterly Butterly Delicious Amul campaign was started.
For 30 odd years the Utterly Butterly girl has managed to keep her fan following intact,
and the ads are now ready to enter the Guinness Book of World Records for being the longest
running campaign ever. The ultimate compliment to the butter came when a British company recently
launched a butter and called it Utterly Butterly.

[ Jess made the text hide (using the same color as the backround... rather than having a HUGE space before the answer ]
[ August 13, 2004: Message edited by: Jessica Sant ]
20 years ago